Chapter one

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Travis had heard the legend of a half-fish, half-man who would visit the lucky ones who sit at the end of the dock during the deep of night.

So there Travis sat, umbrella in hand, looking over the water, the moon reflecting beautifully off of it. Even if it was muddied by the harsh rain hitting the ocean. He wasn't there for the possibility of seeing a merman, he didn't believe in that sort of thing anyway. He was there to meet at a sort of peace with his thoughts.

It was pouring, but lucky for Travis, he had his yellow umbrella. It was quiet around him, it wasn't often he got such a serene moment.

For one he was alone with his thoughts. No parents to order him around, no people to be loud, no nuisances.. all was good.

But of course, there just had to be one eventually there was a splashing in the water, Travis backed up a bit off the edge of the dock. A tail poked up from the water and went back down to the depths.

Travis backed up some more and looked on scared at the water. He was never a fan of ocean life. That's when a head popped up. A human head, with gills? And scales?

Travis almost yelled but put a hand over his mouth, "I'm dreaming, I'm back at the hotel and I'm dreaming." Travis was in California for Vidcon. "This can't be real.."

What Travis didn't expect, even on top of this so-called legend being real, was that the thing could speak! "Name's Cooper."

"Coo-per?" Travis should be running shouldn't he? Maybe it's all just a big joke. Or he'll wake up.

"That's the name!" Cooper seemed excited to talk to Travis. "What's yours, ay?"

"Uhh... It's Travis." He watched as Cooper put his arms on the dock to look at him.

"Travis... that's a nice name.. whatcha doin at the dock this late, Travis?" Cooper asked. 

Travis scooted back towards the edge of the dock after staring for an odd amount of time, even causing the fish-thing to tilt his head to the right a bit, Cooper didn't seem mean. He seemed nice at first glance at least. "Oh... I just needed away for a moment. I'm in town for Vidcon." He was just trying to calm down. It's not every day you get the chance to talk to a legend.

"Vid..con?" Cooper had never been all the way on land.

"Yeah!" It was clear Travis was getting, at least, a little more comfortable. "Lemme tell you about it."

Travis sat in the pouring rain talking to Cooper until the sun was breaking the horizon... poor boys had lost track of the time.

Travis was laying down on the dock almost asleep still responding to Cooper lazily. "Ehhh.."

Cooper turned around, "Travis, you better get back. The sun's coming up, I have to go home soon too. Boaters aren't too fond of ol' Cooper."

That's what kinda woke Travis up "Wait, you have to go? Will I ever see you again?"

Cooper was taken aback a bit, he's never been asked that before. "I.. uhh..."

"Can we meet back here tonight? Please Cooper. I'm leaving on Monday morning. I wanna see you again one more time, please." Travis was scared. He couldn't just make a friend then lose him so fast.

"I usually try not to see people twice.. but.. I'll be here. I promise." Cooper could see the hurt in Travis's eyes.

Travis smiled at Cooper, "Thank you.. you won't regret it!"

"Come on Travis I really gotta go." Cooper was a bit hyper to leave the dock.

Travis sat up, "Bye Cooper. I'll be here tonight. Just like we promised." He stood up looking just a bit sideways at Cooper. And he went back down. Gone till Travis would come back tonight. He didn't wanna turn around and walk away, but he had to. His friends were probably freaking out, thinking he'd died knowing them.

Travis just tried to have a good day at Vidcon but all he could think about was Cooper and how he'd, after Monday, never see him again.

Travis, as soon as the sun was out of sight for the evening and the stars were brighter in the sky, went straight to the dock. He was excited to see Cooper again, of course he was! He sat down at the end and just waited. "Come on Cooper..."

A while later Cooper finally showed up, "Travis! I'm sorry I kept you waiting." He smiled.

They greeted each other like lifelong friends..

Travis ruffled Cooper's hair, also something he'd been wondering about. It was weird, not soft at all. It was all stiff and salty feeling. "Eww.."

Cooper pushed Travis's hand away "Don't touch my hair Travis!" he seemed playfully mad. Kinda cute.

Travis laughed at the fishman, "It's so weird feeling! Wait, wait, wait, feel my hair!" Travis was too excited for this. He dipped his head down so that Cooper could reach his hair.

Cooper was a bit scared to take his hand out of the water, it was scaled and clawed, it wasnt like the human's hands. They were much nicer looking. He didn't wanna hurt Travis.

"Come on! I just took a shower this morning, it should still be soft." Travis insisted. Cooper sighed and went to touch Travis's short curls, as he finally did he smiled with a bit of delight.

"It really is soft Travis.." Cooper had never gotten to touch a human really, other than when he was scaring them in the ocean if they were out in the open. Travis pulled back up to look at Cooper.

"Ya, really like it?" Travis had gotten lost in his happiness to have made a new friend, forgetting that he would have to leave yet again in the morning. He wouldn't want to leave any time soon. He felt a connection to Cooper, over a night he felt like he knew the fishman for years. He didn't wanna come across this connection, and lose it all in the same weekend.

Cooper wasn't feeling the exact same, but Travis was the first human he's seen on the dock twice. The first human to really want to talk to him again. Cooper didn't have any friends, so maybe it could be nice to finally have one after all these years stuck in the ocean...

And so, the two talked. Again till the sun showed across the water. Travis was once again reminded of the flight he had to catch. "Cooper.." he was tired, but home he had to get to.

"Yeah Trav?" Cooper didn't sleep much, but even fish get tired. He opened his eyes just a bit to look at Travis.

"I have to go.." Travis kinda wanted to cry but, he was man. Men didn't cry. Maybe he would cry on the plane.

"You.. no wait you can stay with me on the dock right?" Cooper, at this point, didn't want to let Travis leave.

"I can't. Look.. can you wait for me? Just.. just a year until I can come back." Travis would come back. Money or not, Travis would come back.

"A year? Trav.." Cooper kinda pouted. Poor guppy was sleepy.

Travis sighed, "I'm sorry Cooper. I love you." He pat Cooper's head. He was in the moment, it felt right to say he loved Cooper. Romantic? Platonic? Who's to say.. nonetheless Cooper smiled at Travis.

"You too.. please come back." Cooper's eyes were closed. He would probably fall asleep half on the dock like he was.

"I will Cooper.. I promise."

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