Chapter two

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Years passed. Travis came once a year for three days. The best days of his life were spent at that one dock with Cooper. He wasn't sure if this was platonic or romantic. He wouldn't mind if he could say he loved Cooper more. Three out of the 365 days in a year isn't a long time at all. But they managed together.

Travis had somehow put himself into that little town legend. A boy would come around every so often to keep the merman company.

Sunrises hurt. Sunrise meant Travis had to leave. Even sunrises at home hurt, they made him think of Cooper. Lots of things made him think of Cooper. Little things here and there just reminded him of that stupid dork.


"Yeah Travis?"

Travis paused for a moment "Do we love eachother? Can you love?" He didn't look at Cooper in the face, he looked past him out onto the moonstruck water, in a sort of shame.

Cooper didn't say a thing for a good few terribly long feeling moments. "I... Travis.. I've never loved anybody. I used to hope I'd find another of my kind. I don't even know where or even who my mother is. Travis, you're my only friend I've ever had. Only seeing you one a year hurts, and I know it hurts you too. I do love you, I really do. I can even promise you that. But can we really  love each other? I think about you all the time when you're not here, and when you are, they're the best times of my life."

Travis had never seen Cooper get this serious. "I... I'm so sorry." He kinda wanted to cry again huh? "I never meant to hurt you or.. This is all my fault isn't it?"

Cooper thought he had made Travis upset. "Wait no! None of this is your fault, this is nobody's fault. Please don't be upset. I'm sorry.. I love you Travis but I can't stand coming to terms with it, It's so hard-"

Travis cut Cooper off "I'm moving to California and that's it. I can't stand it anymore, three days isn't enough time. My parents won't miss me. It's hard to be without you." It wasn't often Travis made a big choice like this. Especially without second guessing himself a million times.

Cooper didn't want Travis to do anything drastic unless he was really really sure about it "Travis you don't have to do that for me."

"Well I'm going to damnit." Travis was clearly frustrated with the situation at hand "Cooper you're the best thing that's ever happened to me," who knew if he meant that or if he was just in the moment, "I can't just let all this time slip away."

Cooper kinda smiled "Okay Travis." Was all he said, it was probably best not to fight Trav on the matter.

Travis sighed "Now just to wait.. again.. it shouldn't be too hard to get a house here right? One close enough to bike here?"

Cooper had no clue, how was he supposed to know "I don't know Travie." Travis would just have to figure it out for himself.

"Oh god.. I'm sticking to my word but.. I don't know anything about house buying." Well neither did the fishman who's never been on land.

When morning finally struck the water's horizon Travis was asleep, Cooper watching over him. Well.. he was more so waiting for him to wake up but same difference. "Travis." Cooper swam back up to the dock to shake him. "Travis the sun is coming up! The boaters are coming soon!"

Travis jolted out of his dreaming realm  "GaH! Cooper shhhh! Gosh.. I'm sorry..." it took him an odd amount of time to get his bearings. When he finally stood his back cracked him multiple places. "Don't let me go to sleep next time. Love you Cooper. See you later tonight."

Cooper waved to him "Love you too Travis. Be safe. Come back tonight like I know you will.." he smiled. He heard the sounds of boat horns in the distance signaling they could see shore. "I gotta get!"

The dock was left empty once again for the day.

Over the next year Travis moved to California for good to be with his Cooper. Travis basically lived at the dock, they had tried to get Cooper on land but he got sick within a day. He's a saltwater fishie. A freshwater kitty pool didn't do him too well, maybe if Travis could get an actual pool and somehow get ocean water into it.. Ehh well.

At this point? They were happy together and that's all that mattered. Travis was right about his parents not missing him, but at least they called him from time to time.

Life was good.

Travis had made new friends in California. Almost a sort of club. He had started steaming with those friends. He was finally doing something more with his life. Hard to think it stemmed from his little boy crush on a fish. He was debating telling his friends about Cooper and showing him to them because he knew they wouldn't believe him for a second.

As of recent Jschlatt had come out as Asexual so what was so wrong with him coming out as Bi? Well Travis wasnt actually sure about his sexuallity but he obviously  wasnt straight.

Travis didn't know what was ahead but as long as he had Cooper and his friends he'd be alright...

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