LXVII. Just Breathe Joohyun

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Lisa kept following the car. She believed Joohyun was really inside this one. It's 2:00 in the morning and the only light they had in the road were the head lights and the moon above them. They already reached the forested part of Daejeon area. She's not familiar with the road. It's kinda chilly at this hour and the entire area was pitched dark. She believed in her instinct. She couldn't be mistaken this time. What surprised the two of them was when one of the guy inside the car they were following got kicked out. Mina watched the guy as they passed him by rolling on the ground.

"Lisa, Irene is really inside. She might be trying to fight them. We need to hurry."


Something was up both Mina and Lisa sensed that as they kept following the car. It was running without specific direction and it's off from the main road. As if the driver gotten sleep.

She's busy worrying about Irene being held captive inside that car that her focus was no longer on her driving too. "Lisa watch out!!" Lisa rattled from Mina's loud scream then hit the break just in time before Seulgi's car flew off the cliff. They both witnessed how the other car crashed the side of the road and went flying off the cliff.

They both hurriedly unbuckled their seatbelts to check the situation. Lisa  shouted for Irene's name desperately.
It was useless even she screamed on top of her lungs. The car's half part was immersed in the water. She took off her shoes and readying herself to dive. She was like daredevil. At the moment she feared nothing but the thought of Irene being in danger. She didn't care if the cliff would be too high or whatnot. She only cared saving Irene. She stepped backwards calculating first before ran then leaped as she positioned into dive mode. Mina was not able to stop Lisa when the latter jumped off without warning. She had no choice but to follow her too. Once she successfully removed her boots. She dived and swam as hard as she could to get closer to where Lisa was heading.

She could not count how long had Irene been under the water. She only knew that she might be trapped inside the car because she had not resurface yet. She  dived deeper and saw Lisa trying to get Irene's attention. Gesturing her girlfriend to stay wide awake as she's trying to open the jammed door. Mina headed back to get some air. She could not stay longer dip into the cold water. She needed some air. And swam down once again with a plan on her mind. She knew any minute Lisa would also come out to get some air. It would be a complete torture to their lungs if they stayed longer. This time she saw Irene totally unconscious floating inside the car. Lisa furiously tapped the window to wake Irene but it seemed no response from the older girl trapped inside the car. She signalled Lisa to move aside as she's about to shoot the door. Together they pulled the door to open it. Finally it opened.

Lisa even energy drained and out of air, immediately grabbed Irene by the arm and swam as fast as she could until they reached the upper surface of the water. She was chasing her breathe as well as Mina. When they reached the shoreline she settled Irene carefully and checked her vital signs.  She noticed she still had pulse rate but too weak. She could save her girlfriend. She should!

"Honey, please stay with me. Don't you dare die! I can't live without you, Joohyun."

She was tensed up but still able to performed CPR and checked if there's any improvement with Irene's heartbeat.

"Come on, Hon. Please come back!" She didn't notice that her tears were falling already.

She gave her a mouth to mouth resuscitation to push air inside her body.

"Breathe, please breathe. I can't lose you now, Honey."

She kept repeating the process but there's no response.

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