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I've tried to save myself so many times I didnt even care about the people flooding me im

Have you ever just felt like your whole life is a lie?

That's what happened when I figured out oreo was a knockoff brand.

It was one of the worse days of my life

"Malachite get the extra coffee cups out of the back" Barbra yelled

"But I don't even work here!" I smiled brightly at the old woman in front of me who just raised her eye brow at me challenging me

"Okay okay I'm going " I rolled my eyes stomping dramatically to the cabinets

Barbra was one of my grandmas best friends before she passed away, she was pretty much family and I absolutely adored her

Even if she did make me re-supply the coffee cups every morning

I walked over to the countertops and stacked the cups up.

"So malachite hows school been going hun?" Barbra handed me a coffee and sat down next to me

I looked into the coffee cup and sighed

" I've been really tired lately barb , I kept having nightmares" I rubbed my eyes and she smiled sadly at me

"Well you know what would make you feel better?" She smirked

" what?" I smiled knowing what she was going to say

" you can skip school school today and spend time with your favorite woman"

I stood up smiling I really needed this break because collage was kicking my butt

" but Rihanna isn't here barb" I smirked as she sent me a light hearted glare and rolled her eyes as customers  flooded in

"Hun stop pressing my buttons and get your butt behind this counter or else." She teased

"Yes mam" I saluted her

About twelve hours later barb had gone home and I was closing up the coffee shop

I cant belive I had just spent twelve hours working on a friday, but then again barb works hard and I'm glad i could give her some help

She deserves it

I threw my knitted beanie on and locked the doors to the coffee shop making my way down the dimly lit sidewalk next to the park

I ended up sitting on the swing and looking up at the stars

After about five minutes it was getting pretty cold so I stood up and continued walking on the grass

That's when a very attractive man ran up to me

He grabbed my hand and I kept walking not questioning him

This is akward

"Okay listen it's been a long day for me and my ex is on the other side of the street with her new fiance"he sounded out of breath

We kept holding hands

"Okay..." my voice faded

" I need you to be my fake girlfriend really quick"

"N-" before I could say no his ex and her new fiance walked up to us

God dammit

I plastered on a fake smile and directed it towards her

" Zach I haven't seen you in so long!" She squealed hugging him

"I know it's been three weeks" he fake squealed like a girl making me giggle lightly

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