Chapter 24: SAVE ME!!!

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All Might was gathering the heroes, ready to storm in and save you. He wanted to save you, and he'd kill anyone who even laid a hand on you. He didn't realize how much he needed you until you were gone. If anybody layed a hand on you in any way, they were gonna be dead.

"All might."

"Ah, Eraser head, whats up!?"

"I know you're worried about her, but don't worry, she'll be safe if we can manage to not waste more time." Eraser tried to comfort me, but until i could see her and make sure she was safe, i couldn't do anything but worry.

"You're right, lets go over the plan everyone!" And with that we began the meeting.


(Y/N)'s pov

I couldn't get out of bed, i felt guilty about everything that i did last night. Sure, it was just a spur of the moment thing, but to think that i did that just because i didn't believe I'd ever see Toshi again. Gosh, how stupid can one girl be?

"(Y/N)? Are you awake?" I heard the very familiar voice of the last person i wanted to see.

"I guess..." I said

"Can i come in?" I didn't answer him and he took it as a no, but didn't care and entered anyway.

"I didn't say yes." I said with no emotion in my voice.

"Listen, i won't try anything like that again, i get it, your not as into me as you are into that hero. But you'll never see him again, so if you want a guy to be with..."

"No, nobody can replace him in my heart. Even if i have to wait an eternity, i will only be with him. What happened last night will never happen again. Im sorry if that hurts your feelings, but i have to be true to myself, and my heart."

"Okay, well, just keep dreaming your little romance ... Shigaraki wants you, we're having a meeting and he wants his newest pet to join." I said nothing, but got up and went to grab clothes out of my new wardrobe.

"I'll be down in about an hour, I'm gonna clean up." He nodded his head and left me to do my thing.

I grabbed a black bra and thong, black spandex, tank top, and long black socks. Of course everything was black, why wouldn't it be. I grabbed my clothes, a towel and went to the shower. I had to be very careful about my new brand marking 😅. That shit fucking hurt. When i got out i put some ointment on my arm and wrapped it up so it'll be clean and hopefully heal.

Even if my clothes were all black, i had to admit i looked good. I decided to put my wet hair into a bun, because i just didn't care, but i didn't want my shoulders to get wet.

After i was dressed i grabbed a hoodie and made my way to the meeting at snail pace.

"Alright, we've got a some info on All Might that might help us take him down." Shigaraki started off.

"Woah! How can you start off like that? We don't even know if we can trust the newbie!"  Spinner shouted

"Oh don't worry about that, the brand we gave her," he grabs my arm and shows off the wrapped arm. I had wrapped it in clingwrap because i didn't have any regular wrap so everyone could see it. "This is bound with a spell that if she tries to tell anyone about anything spoken here or in any future meetings it'll start burning and she'll drop to the floor crying."

"Oh, and how do we know this works?" Spinner really doesn't trust me. I mean who can really blame him. After all I'm only here because of my uncle. Speaking of which...

"Hey, wheres my uncle?" I asked shigaraki who still hasn't let go of my arm.

"Oh him?" Shigaraki might've had his face covered, but one of his eyes were visible and in that single pupil, i saw what i could only describe as a lifetime of pain, twisted into insanity, "Once we got you, he was of no use to us."

What... What did they do?

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?!?" I screamed at him.

"Well now, she actually cared? Even though he was a villain. Hmm, does that mean you're really a hero? Or are you just playing pretend? Do you sacrifice one person to save the world? Or do you sacrifice the world for one? Do you live for yourself or for others? Tell us (y/n), are you a hero or a villain?.

What do i say? If it came down to those questions alone... Do i dare say it? If it came down to choosing between someone i love, or saving the world... I'd save the one. Does that make me a villain and at the same time, I'd say that I'm a selfish person who only lives for myself, i mean, i did almost fuck Dabi because i thought my world was over, I didn't even think about seeing Toshi again. I am a terrible person...maybe if i died right here, right now, maybe Toshi would move on and find himself a new person to love, maybe i should be the thing he despises most...

"I... I'm... A..."


Hey, I'm sorry i know that i haven't updated in a seriously long time, but I'm back, hello, this book isn't dead😅😂 but idk how frequently I'll update so sorry if that upsets you. Anyways, heres a new chapter for y'all lovelies. See y'all soon

All Might(toshinori yagi) x reader. (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now