Chapter 2- Nagisa Furukawa

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Revamp #2- 06/07/2020 

"SANAE" The man yelled panicked.

"It's been awhile Uncle Akio. I see you haven't changed." I said trying to hold back my laughter. His mouth kept opening and closing as incoherent noises left it. 

'I guess Aunt Sanae forgot to mention it to him that I was coming.' 

"Emiko? Is that you?" My heart soared as the same sweet Aunt Sanae appeared at the entrance to her home. She quickly changed slipped into her sandals and ran at me with open arms. 

I welcomed her hug with enthusiasm as it had been a long time coming. I used to spend so many days a week over at the Furukawa's after school and spent many nights during summers. 

"Oh dear Emiko, it's been too long" She said with tears in her eyes. 

"Wait kid, is that really you? Come here and give uncle Akio a hug you punk" I laughed at his unchanged joking nature. 

"Look at you, you're so old" I joked. His re-lit cigarette fell from his mouth again. Sanae let out an "Oh dear" while trying to hold back her laughter.

"Hey! I am still the most handsome man in town. Isn't that right Sanae?!" He said pulling back from and looking at Sanae with pleading eyes. 

"Oh of course dear! The most handsome" She said with a genuine smile. 

'They haven't changed a bit, I missed this-'

"Emiko!" I turned around to see Nagisa standing at the door where Sanae came from. She was wearing that uniform I had saw earlier. 

The smile never left my face as I gave my cousin a tight hug. I had missed this family interaction since my dad passed. My mother re-married only 6 months after his passing, and immediately moved me to America. Since she met my stepfather, her personality had changed from bubbly and bright to subdued and reserved. 

"I'm so happy to have you staying with us until your dorm room is ready. Now, your uniform is in the guest bedroom." Aunt Sanae said with a pleased expression. 

"Oh! We better get you ready, so we aren't late!" Nagisa said grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs, but not before I took off my shoes. 

She gapsed when she saw the Dango stickers on my bag that was leaned against the wall. 

"You still like the Big Dango Family too?!" She asked excitedly, I remember we used to sing the Dango song all the time when we were little.

"Of course!" I said clapping my hands together.

As if on instinct, we started singing the song together. Suddenly we heard a loud bang.

"Who's singing that cute but annoying song?!?" I heard Uncle Akio yell. We both started laughing as if we were 8 year old all over again. 

She handed me the same uniform she was wearing as I headed to the bathroom to change. It was almost like muscle memory was guiding me around the house. 

The uniform was much nicer than the one I had worn in America, and it fit quite nicely since Aunt Sanae was kind enough to order a custom one for me. 

I opened the door and Nagisa was standing there handing me a leather bag that was similar to the ones I saw earlier. 

"Emi, here's your bag and I even attached a Dango key chain so now we're matching" She giggled sweetly. 

"Thank you Nagisa, It's so cute" I said grabbing the bag and admiring the key chain. 

We then said goodbye to Akio and Sanae, and started walking along the sidewalk to school. 

"Oh, and I met this guy His name is Tomoya Okazaki, he helped me on the first day. I had no friends and he even gave me confidence." She said blushing looking away.

"He seems like a very nice guy. Must be cute too" I said teasing her. Her whole face got red as she waved her hands in the air dismissively. 

"Oh no it's not like that! He's just trying to help me revive the Drama Club!" She said nervously.

"I bet he likes you if he's doing something like that" I said, she started freaking out and turning red again. 

"I'm sure I'm not even that cute to him!" She said frantically while holding her beet red face. I held back a laugh at her adorable denial. 

We finally reached the school and my breath was taken away. There was Cherry trees lined up on each side. It was very windy and the trees shivered and danced around. I saw lots of smiling and chattering students. 

"Wow, its beautiful" I said.

"Yes, I love this school very much" She said giggling and smiling.

We walked to the front, she seemed much more happy. I'm gonna to have to thank this Tomoya Okazaki.

I sadly said goodbye to her and walked into my class. I was now in class D; It was crowded with people chatting. Some classmates were sitting on desks and some were just standing around, they all stopped.

"Whoa, I've never seen her around here" I heard some girl say.

"She's cute" I heard a guy say, I turned red. Then, a girl popped up in my face with short purple hair and had a hairpiece, she smiled.

"Good morning! I'm Ryou Fujibayashi. I'm the Class leader, I heard you're the new girl." She said sweetly.

"Good morning, I'm Emiko Yoshikawa, It's nice to meet you Fujibayashi" I said tipping my head.

"Same here! Um, there's an empty seat next to Sunohara. I will warn you, he's a bit reckless but he really is a nice guy. I have to go, but I hope you enjoy the school" She said with a smile before turning around and heading to the front.

I looked over and there at the window sat a tall guy with dark hair, but he seemed zoned out staring out the window. Next to him, I immediately recognized that bleach blond hair to be the boy that was ran over by that bike earlier.

"Um hello, I'm Emiko Yoshikawa. I'm new to your class. Are you Sunohara?" I asked nervously.

"Well, hey there sweetheart" He said then looked up and his eyes widened, I laughed.

"Uh, May I sit here?" I asked kindly, he nodded and gulped, I blushed now noticing how cute he was. I only saw him from the back earlier when he was twisted like a pretzel from that bike accident. 

"Thank you" I smiled.

The class started, It was quite nice being in a new surrounding. I ended up meeting another girl who was Ryou Fujibayashi's twin sister Kyou. She wasn't in our class but..... I sorta met her through a near death experience.

I was sitting there and before the bell rang, a book flew right in front of my face, in an instant, I turned around and there standing by the door was what seemed to be Ryou but it couldn't be, she had long hair and Ryou didn't.

"HEY YOU TOMOYA!!!" She yelled, I heard that name before.

"Oh, and I met this guy His name is Tomoya Okazaki, he helped me on the first day. I had no friends and he even gave me confidence" She said blushing

I turned back around towards the window, the guy with dark hair was talking to Ryou before until that book came flying towards his face, he moved right before it hit him and instead it flew out the window.

"Come with me right now" She said evilly grabbing his arm and ripping him out of his seat.

"Did he say bi?!" All the kids whispered, I wasn't paying attention so I just sat there doodling the Big Dango family. I was for sure going to show Nagisa what I drew. 

After many hours of school and eating lunch with Nagisa, the day was over. Nagisa Told me to wait for her at home, as she was going to meet someone....I bet it was Okazaki. I still need to talk to him and thank him for helping Nagisa. 

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