Chapter 1

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It is with shock and confusion that this reporter informs the wizarding public that despite all expectations to the contrary Lucius, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy have walked away from their trial completely free. During this war Lucius, Narcissa and Draco's involvement in the war has not been kept secret. Lucius Malfoy was arrested for breaking into the Ministry of Magic with other Death Eaters and dressed in Death Eater robes, leading the attack on the at the time 15 year old boy-who-lived and his closest friends. Lucius Malfoy went to Azkaban for his actions only to be broken out a year later.

Draco Malfoy was known to be on the Astronomy tower with Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape and other Death Eaters the night that Albus Dumbledore was murdered, speculation has even arisen that Draco Malfoy was the one that was supposed to kill Dumbeldore. Draco Malfoy's position as a Death Eater was also never in question during this war.

Narcissa Malfoy likewise was a presence throughout the last year of hell as a Death Eater. And yet despite all this evidence and witnesses that gave evidence that they were Death Eaters, the Malfoy family solicitor Mister Nigel Blackcreep managed to put together an amazing defence for them, proving that they had never once been seen casting any long lasting harmful curses, never once had been seen casting an unforgivable and put together the defence that they had acted as they had out of fear not for their own life individually but for the lives of their family members.

However the nail in the coffin for the people that wanted to see Lucius, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy in prison came with the arrival of THE most unexpected and shocking character witness FOR the family. It was with some smugness and knowledge that he had won that Mister Nigel Blackcreep called to the stand Mr Harrison James Potter, the boy who lived, chosen one and defeater of you know who. This reporter can tell the readers that the stunned silence was so loud in the court that Mr Potter's footsteps fairly rang out as he walked to the stand. Dressed in fine wizarding robes and looking every inch the Lord of one of the Ancient Houses Mr Potter took to the stand.

To say that confusion was running through the court by this point would be an understatement. The rivalry between Mr Potter and Draco Malfoy has been well known throughout our world with Draco Malfoy providing damaging interviews about Mr Potter during their fourth and fifth years at Hogwarts. Lucius Malfoy was known to lead the attack in the Ministry of Magic that ended in the death of Sirius Black, Mr Potter's beloved godfather. And so the court was understandably confused as to why Mr Blackcreep who had so far put forward a good defence for his clients to get them a minimum sentence would call forwards Harry Potter as a defence.

And then Mr Potter proceeded to defend the Malfoy family in front of a completely shocked court. He filled the court in on how he had overheard Draco Malfoy talking to a trusted fried about how he was terrified that his mother would be killed if he did not kill Albus Dumbledore, he informed the court of how Draco Malfoy had been unable to commit the act of murder when he had the chance. Mr Potter also told the court how when he and his companions of the last year Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley were captured while they were on their mission and taken to Malfoy manor, Draco despite clearly recognising him through the stinging hex Miss Granger had cast to conceal Mr Potter's identity, did not give him away.

He then went on to inform the court of Narcissa Malfoy's act of bravery, how when she had been sent to check his pulse after you know who had hit him with the killing curse for the second time in his life she had lied and told you know who and the Death Eaters that Harry Potter was dead. Allowing him time to recover and act out his plan to destroy you know who for good. This action was at great risk to herself and her husband, who would
no doubt have been killed for the treachery.

And finally Mr Potter spoke on behalf of a visibly stunned Lord Malfoy, while having not committed any such redeemable actions as his wife and son had Mr Potter urged the court to understand the fear that Lord Malfoy must have felt towards his own life but more importantly his families lives. Mr Potter pointed out that the Malfoy family moto is 'Family First' and that without a doubt this is what he believed Lord Malfoy had tried to do, protect and guard his family from a mad man as best he could. Putting himself through torture and even being imprisoned so that he could protect them as best he could.

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