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So basically I don't really feel like scouring the internet for pictures so I will describe all people to the best of my ability.


"Jack!" the commander shouted in my ear, "for the last time commander my name is James not Jack or Ryan or whatever else you call me" I replied angrily, For some background info my commander is a goofy 5'11" drunk with a scruffy brown beard who always messes up my name, I cant really tell if it was always on purpose or if he was just drunk but today the reason seemed to be the cheep booze.

 "Whatever Jim, anyhow you see that *hiccup* - enemy base over there?" he asked handing me some Binoculars, as I saw that it was more like a metal wall in the side of the cliff "yeah what about it?" I replied still slightly annoyed "Well our boys need some help. wanna go shoot some ba- *hiccup* bad guys?" he asked with a stupid grin "yeah fine" I got up with a sigh and started to make my way over to the base using flora as cover.

As I made my way over to the base I started to curse myself for even listening to that drunk idiot as I struggled to get my flatline out of typhoons equivalent to a sticker bush, it was a lot like one that you would see imported from earth except it coiled like razor wire and made it really hard to traverse. As I made it to the cliff side it went from heavy flora to a flat field, I looked over at the wall and saw that the nearest door was maybe 100m from my location.

 I broke into a dead sprint and as soon as I got there I reached for the door handle, right as I touched it I was blown back by a  massive explosion sending me and the door into a mound of dirt that was there from when they probably cleared out the field and flatten it. I groaned in pain as I pushed the door off me and looked for what could have possibly tired to blow me to pieces just a few seconds ago and my answer came flying though the wall very quickly.

I looked in shock as a scorch came tumbling though the wall, from the markings and custom color scheme I quickly deduced that this titan belonged to the apex predators that and spray panted on the side of its thermite launcher it said "WITH LOVE FROM THE APEX PREDATORS".

 As the scorch got to its feet another titan climbed though the hole it just made with a scorch sized wreaking ball, I was familiar with one however it was vanguard class that belonged to Kaelyn Davidson, a pilot who had a grudge with yours truly. "Why does she hate your guts?" you may ask and the simple answer is I split a beer on her and then laughed about it while piss drunk, to make things worse this was all right before an important meeting with her superiors, long story short she was shunned for coming to a meeting while drunk. After said meeting she pulled me to the side socked me in the gut and made me a promise "If I ever see you on the battle field Ill make sure my finger slips on the trigger" after that I tried to avoid her as much as possible knowing that she would follow through with that promise.

 As I realized that the "Ally" I thought I had on the field became a enemy I crawled over the dirt pile that had so generously caught me and hid. I peaked over to the two and saw a third fly though the hole, a IMC northstar.

The 3 stared each other down with obvious hate, which was slightly surprising considering that the IMC and apex predators where definitely working together. Right as they where about to make there rush at one another a strange white light could be seen from the fold weapon off in the distance it suddenly grew brighter as we all stared and then everything went black.

as I woke up I looked around nothing was the same, the temperate jungle like temperature and humidity where gone, the air was fine and crisp just like it was back on my home planet in the mornings, the sound of running water and chirping birds could be heard. it was almost calming.

As I looked around I was no longer  hidden behind the dirt pile I was behind just a few minutes ago but instead laying in a open field. I got up and dusted my armor off and decided it would be best to have a look around.

 I got up and after about 15 minutes of walking in a random direction my radar picked up 3 dots it was close to dusk so I decided a sneaky approach would be in my favor. I readied my flatline and snuck up on the dots. As soon as I got there I immediately regretted my decision to walk this way as I spotted 3 pilots glaring daggers at each other over a fire that they had probably started, there titans where standing behind there respective pilots in a weary stance.

The first pilot was Kaelyn but the other 2 I didn't recognize, The first of the 2 was a female simulacrum wearing an IMC uniform with the name "C. MYERS"  the other was a female pilot wearing a beat up apex predator uniform with the name "R. JOHNSON" sewn on the shoulder, all of their helmets where still on.

By the way the simulacrum was siting and annoyed body language toward the predator I had a feeling that there was some bad blood between the two. I realized that Ill probably startle them, and with how pilots normally act, I'd probably get lit up faster than you could say "Taco Tuesday". I deiced that my best coarse of action was a "tactical retreat" or as some people would put it, running for my life. The plan was to slowly walk away and then run when I was certain I was out of sight.

I walked back slowly and as if cursed by some demon I stepped on a stick making a loud "CRACK" I silently cursed to myself and turned to see all 3 pilots with there weapons drawn aiming at me.

well that's the first one and hopefully many more follow                      

See you next time- Brayday

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