back at Hogwarts

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Scene: Hogwarts

"Hey" said Harry to Hermione

"Hey Harry you ready for another year of Hogwarts"

"So I uh heard that Malfoy is coming back" said Ron coming out of nowhere

Harry's thoughts: Huh Malfoy is coming back, maybe this is his chance to be friends with him maybe even more...

He shook his head

Anyways he knew that a Malfoy will never want to be friends with 'saint Potter'

"Well we should be getting to our dorms now right?" Asked Ron

"Yeah we should be going now we don't want to be late" said Hermione

Harry: maybe this is my chance to tell them what I want

"Well I was thinking maybe we should try to have a truce with Malfoy and his friends" said Harry

"It's about time this rivalry ended"  added Hermione agreeing with Harry

They went off to get to another year at school

            ~With The Slytherins~

"Hey Draco how was summer?" Said Pansy

"It's was alright I didn't get much sleep though" Draco responded sounding tired

"Hey gang" exclaimed Blaise coming out of nowhere

They spotted the Golden Trio

Draco glanced at Harry and his perfect scar and those emerald eyes that shined with as the sun hit them

Harry looked at Malfoy noticing him staring

Harry gave him a warm smile a rather friendly one

Draco looked away blushing and embarrassed for being caught staring

-Pansy notices what happened-

"Ugh so you have a crush on Potter?"  said Pansy looking disgusted 

"No why would I ever have a crush on Bloody Potter" he said

But on the inside he thought

*it's not like I like his emerald eyes and his smile and how it makes my heart flutter*

Pansy wouldn't give up as she was very persistent she didn't really care she just wanted to annoy Draco

"For the last time Pansy I do not fancy Potter" screamed Draco

The golden trio seemed to hear it and Harry blushed while zoning out

*Malfoy what if he does like me?*

"Mate you okay?" Said Ron confused as why Harry was blushing

Harry responded "yes mate I'm fine just thinking about something"

"You're not blushing because of what Malfoy said right or...?" exclaimed Ron

"Well I- I don't know my feelings are complicated" said Harry

"There is nothing wrong with that Harry" Hermione said with a warm smile

"Yeah Harry you'll figure out your feelings eventually" said Ron

"Thanks guys" sighed Harry with a sense of relief

Then they got ready to enter the doors of Hogwarts again for another year

To be continued

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