The Girl who Wanted to See

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The New Girl and Old Boy

Annaliese POV

Annaliese Henry- a girl with long brown hair and dim green eyes- and her mother have just arrived in Silver Cross City, Montana. They had been poor for most of Anna's life so they moved, that way her mother would have better job opportunities. They have barely been there and already her mother is enrolled in college and working as a teacher assistant.

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Monday morning, Anna walks out of the South Silver High office. She had just gotten her class schedule. Her first class is science with Ms. Clark, classroom 160.

She sighs and starts to walk. Not even a dozen steps later Anna runs into somebody. She takes a step back and bows slightly. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" she exclaims. She feels a hand on her head and immediately recognizes it as a male's.

"That's alright little lady!" he says. He removes his hand and she stands up straight. "I'm Vlad Todd," he says. Anna puts her hand out and smiles.

"I'm Anna. It's nice to meet you." Vlad shakes her hand.

"You too," he says, a bit of confusion in his voice. It clears up quickly as he adds, "What's your first class?" Anna holds out her schedule and Vlad takes it. "I never thought two schedules could ever be exactly alike," he mutters. Anna shrugs.

"Than you can tell me where I'm going until I get the hang of things right?" Anna asks, her eyebrows raised expectantly. There is a short pause.

"Um, yeah I guess I could," Vlad says, a small hint of confusion in his voice again. Anna smiles.

"Thanks! Lead the way good sir!" she says. Vlad starts to walk and she follows him by holding onto his backpack without him noticing.

"Well, Ms. Clark is in the back of the school. This is first hour so you'll have plenty of time to get there. After though, you'll want to stick close to me so you don't get trampled," Vlad explains. Anna nods listening intently. Anna smiles a little and runs into him again when they stop.

"Sorry, again!" she says.

"It's alright Anna," Vlad replies, his hand on her lower back pushing her forwards. Anna puts her hand on the edge of the door frame and walks in. She clicks her tongue a couple times and turns to the front.

"Where do I sit?" Anna asks her head tilted a little. There is a bit of a long pause before Ms. Clark replied.

"In the back corner, next to Todd." Anna nods. She clicks her tongue quietly and walks to where she was instructed. She turned to Todd.

"Hi." She smiles. "I'm-"

"I don't care," Todd says cutting her off. "I don't, sorry lady, so leave me alone." Anna nods and looks down, twirling her pencil between her fingers. She sighs as the bell rings, signaling the start of class. She continues looking down as the teacher starts to talk. Suddenly she stops talking and claps her hands once beside Anna making her jump.

"Are you going to pay attention or day dream for the whole class period?" Ms. Clark asks. Anna shakes her head and looks up at her teacher.

"I wasn't day dreaming. Looking down you can't get distracted easily so when I look down I concentrate more," she says. She can feel Ms. Clark looking her over and than continues her lecture on safty when dealing with chemicals.

When the bell rings for the end of class Anna packs her things up. Vlad walks over and touches her arm. She smiles at him as he says, "Let's go Anna!" She nods and follows him to next hour, again holding onto his backpack for now

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