Chappie 2

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After lunch, Anna asks Ted, Ralph, and Virgil what class they have next. She likes them and thinks that she could be good friends with the geeks. Ted has English, Ralph has History, and Virgil has Math. Anna hands one of them her schedule. "Yes! I finally have a partner!" Virgil exclaims. She giggles.

"Great!" She  takes her schedule back and puts it in her back pocket. She puts her hand on his backpack. "Lead the way kind sir!" He chuckles and takes her hand. She smiled.

"Yes, ma'am," he says. She giggles again. "See ya Ted, Ralph," he says.

"See you."

"See ya later Virgil, Anna."

"Bye!" Anna says. Virgil leads the way continuing to hold her hand and she did not mind. His hand was warm compared to her cold skin. She was always cold. Suddenly he clears his throat making her jump.

"Oh! Sorry!" he says. She shakes her head with a small smile. "So . . . . it's okay to hold your hand?" he asks nervously. She nods.

"Yeah. It's okay. Your hand is nice and warm!" Anna giggles. She suddenly could smell cologne that almost smelled like books. Warm lips pressed against hers and she closed her eyes. When they pulled away she smiles. She could feel her cheeks heating up as a warm hand cupped her cheek gently.

"And this too?" Virgil whispered and she realized her back was against the lockers. She blushed a bit brighter, nodding. The bell rang and she jumped. Virgil chuckled and pulled away, keeping her hand in his. He pulled her along to math. She had a small smile on her lips.

Anna immediately could tell when they entered the math room, the air became colder. She shivered a little. Virgil put a warm arm around her and sat her on a stool. She could hear metal legs scraping against the ground towards her. There was a small pause before he replaced his arm around her. She smiled and a wolf-whistle sounded. "Look at Virgil! He's got a lady friend!" someone exclaimed happily. She blushed.

"One hour with her and he's already got her hooked around his little finger," a girl said. That ticked her off a bit.

"No, I think it is she who has me," Virgil said beside her. She smiled and leaned into him, nearly falling off the stool but he caught her.

"Watch it Anna!" She blushed.

"Sorry, I'm a klutz," she muttered. He rubbed her arm.

"It's okay." He hugged her and she smiled and hugged him back. She could feel a set of eyes burning the back of her head, but she could not tell to whom the owner of the eyes were. She could not care any less either. She liked Virgil, his voice, his sweetness, his warmth.

When class started she listened attentively. She nudged Virgil and asked him what the problem was, he answered though a hint of confusion was in his voice. She smiled and thanked him and did the problems. She did it fastest but was told it was the messiest. She did not find the messiness a problem, maybe a hindrance for grading though. She shrugged and doodled in the margins of the paper when she finished.

When the bell rang she stood and gathered her things. Virgil walked her out of the room, her hand in his. "What are you going to next?" he asks. She takes her schedule out and hands it to him. "Choir? How boring. Hopefully you have a good voice at least." She smiles up at him and nods.

"Of course I do! Why would I sign up if I had a crappy voice?" she replies.

"I dunno. A lot of idiots sign up even if they are shit at singing. Half the choir team basically screams rather than actually sings." She laughs.

"Maybe I'll become one of the solo singers so my voice can over-power the shit ones!" He chuckles.

"Well let's hope so!" Anna hears footsteps approach and she turns. "Oh, hey Vlad," Virgil says.

"Hey. Anna, I know you have choir next, I can still lead you there you know," Vlad says. She shrugs.

"I thought you were only being a nice guy? Why should you continue when I already know your act?" she asks simply. He sighs.

"It's not like that Anna. The others are just idiots. They think you're weird and therefore shun you. Unlike them, I actually want to have you as a friend," he says. She can hear the honesty in his voice. Virgil's hand tightens around hers.

"Just drop the act, and even if it's not you can still stop it. I have her covered," he says. Anna can feel the tension in the air.

"Thank you for your concern, Vlad. But Virgil can walk me. Thanks anyways," she says.

"Yeah. Okay. Whatever. I'll see you," he says casually. She looks down and listens as his footsteps fade.

"Hey, it's okay. Just forget about the idiot. Let's go," Virgil says. She looks up and nods.

"Okay." She smiles and he pulls her along; she keeps up easily. He leads her to Choir and kisses her cheek before she enters.

"See you later, sweets," he says. She giggles and nods.

"Yeah, see ya." As Virgil's warmth left Anna's side, she started to become cold. She wrapped her hoodie tighter around her before heading into class.  

People were talking in groups and it annoyed her. She did not know where to go. Instead she stood by the door until the teacher can in and put a gentle hand on her back. "Hello, miss. Are you alright?" she asks. Anna nods.

"It's just louder than most of my classes have been." The instructor laughs.

"I think I'll take that as a compliment. You're new I'm guessing?" Anna nods again.

"Yes. It's a bit scary actually. I'm Annaliese Henry by the way."

"I see. Well welcome to Choir than, I'm Ms. Evans. Just call me Mare." Anna laughs.

"Alright, Mare!"

Mare gets class going and Anna is told to sit on an end seat. Mare handed out sheets and Anna looked down at them. "Alright. These are the sheets for the concert at the upcoming art festival. I want a couple of you though to do a solo song. If you choose to do Solo than I won't make you do group unless you want to. But that'll mean after school sessions to practice your song." Anna's hand shot right up.

"Yes Annaliese?"

"Anna, please. And I would love to do a solo song!" she exclaimed.

"Wow! Great. Anyone else?" There was a pause before Mare continued. "Alright Vladimir. That makes two. I think that'll be good for this time." She leads them in practice. Anna picked it up quickly, both the words and the pitch.

After class Mare kept Vlad and Anna behind. "Do you guys have any sort of song in mind for the concert?"

"I was thinking of Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield," Anna says.

"I see, and what about you?"

"Well, I'm not sure yet but I was thinking New Perspective by Panic! At the Disco," Vlad answers.

"I see. I think those are lovely choices. They're recent, too, so people shouldn't be bored with them too much," she says. Anna smiles. "We'll practise ever Mondya and Friday after school. But not today, I have a few things I have to do today." The two students nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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