Chapter 1

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"Kara grab your stuff we've gotta head out!". I hear my dad call at me from the front door. It was finally time for my favorite part of the year. Camp Conrad. My brothers and I have been going to this camp since each of us were old enough. I met my best friends at camp. Some from here and some from across the country.

My twin brothers, Connor and Colton, are already in the back seat once I make my way to the car. This would be only their third year at camp since they're 13. On the other hand, this would be my 7th year.

Most of the kids at my school know I go Camp Conrad. Some think it's lame. Others think it's cool that even as captain of the cheerleaders, head of the yearbook committee, and easily a valedictorian, I can still find time during the summer to cool down and help out with all the younger kids at Camp.

We live about an hour away from the camp, much like most people who go. Luckily, my best friend Riley is pretty close. She goes to a high school not too far from mine and lives only a 15 minute drive away. That's why we like to drive up to camp together.

Riley has always always always been there for me. The first time we met, it was actually her standing up to some boys at camp who were insulting me. She's the kind of girl you could spend hours with and not even notice a minute has gone by. Riley is also insanely pretty. She's got this unique wavy orange, reddish hair that flows perfectly onto her shoulders. Her eyes are a beautiful blue, actually much like mine. Her style is very bright and fun, just like her. She can be very soft and nice at times but mess with her or her friends and she will hunt you down.

"Hey Kara!" Riley says when she hops in our car. "Hey boys!" She nods at my brothers and my dad.

I hear the boys snicker in the back. Colton has had the biggest kid crush on Riley since the first time she came to our house. In fact, it's the only reason Colton even wanted to go to camp his first year. Now, of course, they love the place and always ask if they can go.

Riley knows me so well that she's already got our camp playlist made and an earbud waiting for me. She hands me the earbud and we jam out all the way until we reach Camp Conrad.
Familiar faces all smile at me when we get there. Another one of my best friends and Riley's boyfriend, Jake, is checking people in. I say my goodbyes to my dad and go to the check-in table.

Jake. Everyone's favorite jokester. The "cool guy" all the younger kids look up to. A genuine kinda guy. Honestly, Jake is like those stereotypical camp boys in all those cliché movies.

He looks up and shows us his signature lopsided smile when he sees us. He puts down his papers and comes around the table, engulfing Riley, the boys, and I in a huge hug.

"I missed you guys so much!" he says, letting go of us and high fiving the boys.

"Trust me I think I've missed you more." Riley says, winking at me.

Riley and Jake were Camp Conrad's classic couple. Everyone knows about it and none of the adults really care about their PDA every now and then. Of course like every cliché classic couple, Jake lives a good 5 hours away from us. Luckily Riley and Jake are the cutest and pull off an amazing long distance relationship.

"Guys I'm here too" I say jokingly while we check in. Jake hands me my counselor assignments.

"You're on lifeguard duty this year, Kara." He says

"Oh, fun" I reply  sarcastically, " I just love watching ten year olds attempt swimming in a lake for the first time"

We leave Jake to do his job at check-in and go help Connor and Colton find their cabins.

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