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A/N POS = part of story so you won't comment or wonder what does POS stands for ok cool here we go


Hey dipshit wake up or I will wake you up myself Mrs. Smith shouted from my door. I say ok and get out of my bed and get into this outfit

 I say ok and get out of my bed and get into this outfit

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I walk out of my room to only get slapped by Mrs. smith but I don't even flinch cause it has happened so many times before. I just focus on heading to the kitchen to do my chores when she stops me and says how dare you walk away from me you little shit and slaps me again I don't flinch I just say sorry and keep heading to the kitchen to start my chores. She walks off and I head to the kitchen to see that the garbage is full so I take it out and put it in the trash can and walk back to here over the intercom Children ages 11- 15 come into the adoption area. So I walk out of the kitchen and to the adoption area. 

Colby POS

I say to Sam that we should adopt a child and we can teach them to explore like we do it will be fun. Sam says yeah we should I mean all children who are not adopted by the age of 18 will be on their own for the rest of their lives. So I search adoption centers near me and the Sullivan adoption center comes up so I show Sam and we go on the website and make an appointment for 11:00 and it was 10:30 so we get dressed and eat then when we are down it is 10: 50 so we hop in my car and head over to the adoption center. When we get there it is 10:56 so we go to the door and ring the doorbell then a woman opens the door and leads us to the front desk to check us in when she asks us what type of age do we want to adopt so I say 11 to 15 and says over the intercom Children 11-15 to the adoption area then we here a lot of footsteps walking then the woman leads us to the adoption area and opens the door we walk into a lot of children doing their own things and she shuts it so Sam said to split up and come back with one of the many children in mind that we want. I nod my head and walk to one side of the room and Sam walks to the other side.


I walk into the room and so does everyone else in the age group and we do our own things till Mrs. smith opens the door and walks in two teenage looking guys then Mrs. smith shuts the door. I go back to playing with my shoelaces when one of the kids starts to kick my feet to get me to pay attention to them. I look up and the kid slaps my face I still don't flinch and she says that I won't get adopted so go back to your room I just go back to playing with my shoelaces then the kid leaves then I see another pair of shoes in front of me I look up to see the blonde one that came in with the brown-haired one. He kneels down for me to see him and introduces himself, hello my name is Samuel Golbach but you can call me Sam what is your name, I say it is Ava Rockholt and I am 13. Well nice to meet you Ava I will be right back I just got to tell my friend something Sam says and gets up and walks away. Then I see a pair of shoes kicking me so I look up and see the kid that slapped me and she bends down and whispers in my ear that I am nothing and he only talked to you cause he had to and slapped me then ran away. 


Colby and I split up and I notice this girl who is playing with her shoelaces so I walk over to her and kneel down so she can see me and I introduce myself and ask her what her name is she says her name is Ava Rockholt and she is 13. I say well nice to meet you Ava I will be right back I just got to tell my friend about something and I get up and walk to Colby who was standing where we walked in. I said to Colby that I have someone in mind and he says so does he so I said on the count of 3 we will tell each other which one they want. 1- 2-3 Gabriella Ava we look at each other in confusion on why we picked a different person. Then he said let's flip a coin heads Gabriella and tails Ava so I pull out my phone and say Siri flip a coin she says tails and I say yes then I look at Colby and see him not happy that it landed tails. I say hey don't worry bro you will like Ava, Colby just looks at me and says ok then we walk over to Ava and say hey Ava this is Colby pointing at him she says wait why did I not notice this before I heard on the news that you won the teen choice awards, Colby and I nod our heads yes then we say to go pack your stuff we are wanting to take you home with us. She smiles and gets up and walks out of the room then we see the woman come into the room so we walk towards her then she asks who do we want to adopt and Colby says Ava. The woman looks shocked then asked us if we were sure I say yes we are she says well who wants to sign her paperwork and wants to be her guardian. Colby says him then I ask where Ava's room was the lady said down the hall and door number 5 on your left then she and Colby left to do paperwork.

Colby POS 

Sam and I walk to each other and say who we want to adopt then the count of three we say Gabriella, Ava. We look at each other in confusion then I said we should flip a coin Sam pulls out his phone and says Siri flip a coin she says tails says yes I am just not happy it landed tails then he says don't worry bro you will like Ava I just look at Sam and say ok and we walk over to a girl playing with her shoelaces Sam whispers to kneel down to me so I do then he says hey Ava this is Colby pointing at me she says wait why did I not notice this before I heard on the news you won the teen choice awards Sam and I nod our heads yes then we say to go pack her her stuff we are wanting to take you home with us. She smiles and gets up from where she was sitting and walks out if the room then we see the lady come into the room so we walk over to her when she asks who do we want to adopt so I say Ava. The woman looks shocked at who I said and asks us if we were sure Sam says yes we are then she says well who wants to sign her paperwork and wants to be her guardian I say me then Sam asks where Ava's room was and the lady says down the hall and door number 5 on your left then the lady and I left for me to sign Ava's paperwork. 

Adopted by Sam Golbach and Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now