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Colby and Ava went to the store and Elton comes in my room with his hair blue I say what happened uncle Elton. He says Corey happened and I need you and Colby to help me prank him back. I say well he and Ava are at the store so when they come back we can talk about the prank you want to pull. He says ok and walks out of my room then Corey comes in my room and says if I saw what he did to Elton I say ya bro he looked pissed. He says dam and leaves my room I go back to editing. When I am done I go downstairs to Ava shooting a nerf gun dart at me I say is that why you went to the store Colby to get nerf guns. He says no that's not the whole reason we went to get Ava girly stuff. I say ok and grab the gun out of Colby's hand and shoot him with it Ava laughs and shoots me with her gun I say hey and shoot her with Colby's gun and I miss. 

Colby POS 

We come back from the store and we go n the kitchen and start putting some snacks away when Ava grabs a nerf gun and fills it up with the dart things. Shoots one at Sam on accident as he was coming down the stairs I laugh then Sam says is that why we went to the store to get nerf guns. I say no that is not the whole reason we went to the store we had to get Ava girly stuff as I grab a nerf gun and try to shoot him but Sam grabs it out of my hand and shoots me with it. Ava laughs and shoots Sam with her gun Sam says hey and shoots her with my gun and misses.  

An hour later also it is night time


We eat dinner and I head to Colby and I's room to get into my pjs.

Then I walk out of the room to Sam yelling so I run downstairs to see Katrina here and I was about to run upstairs when someone pulls my hair I scream cause it hurts and they pull me over and stops and says you picked her she is ugly I knew that v...

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Then I walk out of the room to Sam yelling so I run downstairs to see Katrina here and I was about to run upstairs when someone pulls my hair I scream cause it hurts and they pull me over and stops and says you picked her she is ugly I knew that voice it was Katrina I look up to Sam and he looks at me then swats at Katrina's hand that is holding my hair. She yells fine I will let her go but she will be my servant when I am here. She lets go of my hair and I run behind Sam then he yells no she won't cause we are over Katrina now get out of this house and never come back. He turns to me and hugs me and said he was sorry and kisses my forehead I say it hurt when she pulled my hair but I am fine. 


I call Katrina over to say that we are done she comes a few minutes after. I answer it and we talk then I bring up Ava. Katrina yells then Ava comes down the stairs and was about to run back up when Katrina pulls her hair Ava screams and she drags Ava over to us then yells you picked her she is ugly. Ava looks up at me and I can see pain in her eyes then I swat at Katrina's hand that is holding Ava's hair. She yells fine I will let her go but she will be my servant when I am here she lets go of Ava's hair and she runs behind me.  I yell no she won't cause we are over Katrina now get out of this house and never come back. She walks out and I turn to Ava and hug her and say sorry and kiss her forehead.  She says it hurt when Katrina pulled her hair but she is fine I say ok and Colby comes down with a bat and says to leave this house Kat, we laugh and I say I already dealt with it. He says ok and we all head upstairs to our rooms. 

Colby POS

I came out of the shower and hear Sam yelling so I get dressed then I hear Ava scream so I get my bat that I keep under my bed. I run downstairs and yell leave this house Kat and swing the bat. Sam and Ava laugh then Sam says he already dealt with it I say ok and we head upstairs to our rooms I shut the door after Ava and I enter our room and say that she can have my bed I can sleep on the couch. She says ok and takes off her glasses and puts them in her glasses case and climbs into the bed and closes her eyes. I grab the extra blankets from the closet and lay them on the couch and I lay down and fall asleep.

Next Morning

Ava POS 

I wake up and grab my glasses case and open it then grab my glasses and put them on ad get out of bed and poke at Colby he says five more minutes I say ok and walk out of the room and open Sam's door he is sleeping as well so I poke at him he says Corey go away I say I am not Corey he opens his eyes and says sorry Ava I say it's fine and I am hungry so I am going downstairs and making myself breakfast he says ok and closes his eyes again. I walk out of Sam's room and downstairs to the kitchen and grab cereal and a bowl and I pour the cereal then someone comes down I look over and see Aaron  I say morning and put the cereal away.

Adopted by Sam Golbach and Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now