[1] hell

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I felt as if I was staring at the interior of my closet for about 5 minutes.

I didn't want to go to school.

Everyday I would wake up from my alarm, which I personally named, "Wake up Loser, Time to go to Hell". Because it really did feel like I was about to enter the fiery depths of the underworld every time I walked through those large double doors.

I've been only in this town for around 2 months, but it feels as if I was never really present in the first place. If I wasn't at school, I would be sitting at home, doing absolutely nothing with my life, and waiting anxiously for the next time I would socially interact with someone.

I look at myself in the mirror, satisfied with the outfit I chose. It was a black pullover sweater layered over a white dress shirt, a pair of dark pants, and (insert shoe brand of your choice !)

After scanning myself in the mirror, I notice how much of a vampire I looked. My skin had seemed to pale (edit: guys i didn't make the reader specifically white, bruh im literally not white either, im pretty sure i meant to say that their skin got lighter bc they stay inside too much), and I seemed to obtain more eye bags from the lack of sunshine. It seemed pretty creepy, but I found it appealing anyways.

I gave a peace-sign to myself before getting ready to walk to the bus stop.


I wait patiently at the bus stop, alongside these 4 other students that don't seem to acknowledge my existence whatsoever. I watch as they quietly chatter to themselves, laughing occasionally until the bus pulls up to the stop.

I don't have any friends, nor do I think I'll really make any. So I tend to sit by myself and listen to music until we arrive at school. But today seemed kind of different.

I plop into an empty seat, pulling out my earphones (I can't afford Airpods).

All of a sudden, I feel someone poking me from across the other seat.


I slowly look over to my right. A person was initiating conversation with me. This was a rare scene.

"Could you move? My boyfriend was going to sit there."

I stare at her, noticing how their seat was half-unoccupied. "Couldn't your boyfriend just sit next to you?" I ask casually.

She fiddles with her curly brunette hair. "Yeah but... We usually sit like that. We have more personal space to ourselves." This bitch was not going to give up, and it didn't even make any sense. If you're in a relationship, aren't you supposed to like, sit -together- in a sense? I don't know, I've never been in that sort of thing before.

I roll my eyes, adjusting my bag so that it was right next to me. "I'm sorry, but this is a school bus. The last time I checked, I'm allowed to sit wherever I want." I retort dryly. I raise the volume on my phone, letting more of the music flood into my ears to cancel out whatever the fuck this cheerleader looking bitch was ready to respond with.

Thankfully, and ironically, her boyfriend didn't even show up. His stop was the last stop right before we pulled up to school too.

It allowed me to get off quickly before she could do anything harsh. Quite possibly even throw hands.

I enter the school swiftly, opening the large double doors, and making my way into Hell.


First period was shit. Heck, this whole day was going to be shit and I could tell.

I regretted not taking my daily dose of coffee in the morning, because that's the only drink I trust to at least keep me fucking AWAKE during these shitty 1 hour lectures about unimportant information.

I struggle heading to my locker, half-asleep and drowsy. I almost bump into at least 2 people while trudging down the hallway.

But that's when it happened, for real.

I realize that I physically slammed myself onto another human entity. And it was my fault for being the clumsy bitch that I am.

As I regain consciousness, I fix my gaze to the person in front of me. He was tall, and had nicely short permed hair.

"Sorry." I quietly mutter, lowering my glance to the floor.

I hear a scowl from someone beside him, which brought my gaze back up again. I realize how many people he was accompanied with. Like fuck, there was a whole gang of people surrounding him dressed up in dark Gothic clothing.

The chubby girl next to him gave me a wide-eyed sickening glare. "Move, you fucking conformist." She said, grabbing onto the boy's arm and heading in the other direction.

I said nothing, also wanting to proceed down the hallway. Before I could, I notice a shorter boy behind them. He had dark hair with blood red highlights, and the first thing I noticed were his purple sneakers.

I lock eyes with him for a second, before continuing to walk forward.

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