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SHE WAS MOVING TO FORKS her and her dad had been driving through two days without a problem until  something popped out of nowhere witch made her dad steer the other way right into a another car it seemed like whatever popped out was intentions was to get into a car crash witch the animal or person popped out succeeded she had woke up

With a blurry vision she saw a person eating her dad she quietly grabbed her backpack with half of her clothes and phone and got out of the car she made sure to get as far as away from the scene as possible of course she had to be quiet

She had tried getting far but she stopped by a house she was sure her dad was dead by now her tears were dripping down from her face a girl and her father ran out to the girl she had fallen sobbing "his gone...his really gone"she said while holding onto the girl "who's gone?"the guy asked nicely "my dad his killed"she said while choking on another sob

The girl and the guy looked at each other "how about you come inside before it starts raining and you can tell me what happened after you take a nap so you're all calm down"the guy said I nodded I walked closely to them as I looked around
"I'm Charlie I'm a cop that's my daughter Bella"Charlie said "I'm Melanie Melanie Parker"I said

AFTER I WOKE UP FROM THE NAP she had explained to them what happened
They felt extremely bad for her so they offered her a place to stay like a foster home I guess but it's better then being in a actual foster home Bella had told me about her love story's at night to help me sleep it feels good to have sister or feel like she a sister it was her birthday the next day so I woke up extra early to draw her something special

I heard Bella talk to her dad "I thought we agreed on no present?"Bella questioned "well the one from me's not wrapped so it doesn't count"Charlie said "that's actually great thanks dad"Bella said "I didn't know it was your birthday until your dad told me this morning I hope you like it"I said giving her the drawing "woah this is sick you need to teach me sometime"Bella said with a smile witch made me smile

I stood next to her dad "this one goes with that one from your mom we coordinated well,she coordinated me it's to put your pictures in from senior year senior year"Charlie said as he repeated the last part "witch reminds me what grade are you in?"Charlie asked "junior"I stated "okay let's go get her signed up"Charlie said "what no"I said with a pouty face and whiney voice as Bella chuckled

He tried not to smile "well now I'm your father figure I get to watch you graduate be a grown women how did you guys get so old?"Charlie question "i didn't it's not that old"Bella said as she put a string of hair behind her ear "I don't know is that a grey hair?"Charlie asked "no,no way"Bella said as she got out of bed she scoff I giggled "happy birthday"Charlie said as I walked out

He had called the school and Bella and I went I was nervous because it's happening so fast it was like yesterday I was just on their porch crying and now their taking me in "it's Bella Bella! Hi I'm.."the dude said as she helped me out they looked confused "today's the big day Bella"one of her friend said "a and j essay?"her friend said "oh yeah"Bella said "wherefore art thou Bella?"her other friend said they chuckle "let me take a picture of you guys my mom wants me top put together aa scrap book full of memories"Bella said
"I take them I'm not in them"a girl with pink tails said "no no"he said "what are they're names?"I whispered to Bella

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