Not a Simple Job

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Teacher, being a teacher is not simple,
They teach, they instruct, they train,
They educate, they serve as a good example,
They not just teach us different subject matters,
They also instruct us how to keep going through pressure and strain,
They train us to be better persons which is not an easy matter,
They educate us to discover our skills whenever we feel unskillful,
Whenever we’re down,
They give us advice, just like an advisor,
Whenever we’re sick,
They do everything to lessen the sickness we feel, just like a doctor,
Whenever we’re being judged,
They always defend us, just like a lawyer,
Whenever we feel unloved,
They show us that they love us, just like a second father or mother,
Teachers, they indeed serve as a good example,
Not just in their students, but to everyone around them.

Teacher, being a teacher is not simple,
Without them no one will be a chef, an engineer,
An architect, a flight attendant, a soldier,
No one will have a career,
No one will have a good hereafter,
There will be no hope for a tomorrow, perfect and brighter.
It is hard to be a teacher,
And sometimes we made their job harder,
Whenever we don’t listen, it hurts them,
Whenever we do wrong things again and again, it sickens them,
Whenever we talk back when they trying to correct us, it gives them pain,
Being a teacher is tiring,
And everything we can do to lessen their weariness,
Is to thank them for their greatness.

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