Arc 3: Adonis (11)

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Let's just say that's Adonis except he has a softer expression and covers up more (ω)
Feast your eyes if you didn't eat yet or for dessert, whatever 👀 👀 👀

For the entire day, Adonis gave Daphne a tour of half of the city. It was getting late so Adonis decided that they should head back to the palace. Daphne agreed and followed him back without a single word. She was excited and nervous at the same time since she was worried about his parents' opinion.

What if they don't accept me? Are my dreams of being together with Adonis never going to come true? I'm so scared!

Adonis seems to notice this and slid a hand over her shoulder and patted it.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, Daphne. The king and queen are nice people. They will accept you no matter what and they'll be more willing to let you stay since I'm the one who brought you there."

"If you say it like that, then I guess I don't need to worry about it anymore?"

"Right. As said before, don't make such a face like that again. You'll get wrinkles and it'll ruin your beautiful face."

"Oh, I'm sorry, mister Adonis. It's just a habit."

"And again with the 'mister.' I told you to address me as Adonis. It's fine."


They arrived at the palace gates and were greeted by the guards. When the guards first saw the prince, they bowed straight away, ignoring Daphne. Once they got up, then they saw that there was another person behind the prince. They were shocked since this was the first time they had seen the prince bring someone back. Since they were just guards, they don't have the permission to speak with the members of the royal family or any other nobles unless permitted to.

He guided Daphne to the dining room where the king and queen were having dinner. As they entered, the king and queen looked up from their plates to see who it was.

"Son! You've come back. Sit down and eat or the food will turn cold."

"Yes, father."

Adonis went over with Daphne following close behind him and took a seat next to him as he sat down. The queen stared at her and she lowered her head in shyness.

"Oh? Adonis, who is this beautiful young maiden that you've brought home with you today?"

"Ah, this is Daphne. I met her by the bay. She got separated from her parents and had no place to call home since she came from a foreign land. Therefore, I offered that she stay here in the palace until we seek news of her parents."

"I see. Welcome, Daphne, to our kingdom. I hope you would have a pleasant stay here. Please enjoy your time here as Adonis takes care of you during your stay."

"Your Majesties, I'm grateful for your generosity. Of course I would enjoy my stay here."

"Hm. Let's eat. Eat until you're full. You don't want to waste anything here on the table."

The queen gave her husband the king a knowing glance. The king saw and nodded with a smile. Once they were all finished eating, the king and queen excused themselves and retired to their chambers, leaving their son and the guest alone.

"We should retire as well."

Adonis spoked while standing up and held out a hand towards Daphne. This time, she gladly took it and once again followed him to wherever he's leading her.

"Retire? Where am I going to sleep, Adonis?"

"With me of course."

"W-wi-with y-y-you?!"

She blushed furiously and buried her face into her hands. She was confident awhile ago that she can make her dreams come true since his parents seemed to accept her presence in the palace. Now she became a blushing mess with her emotions all over the place and her heart beating like crazy. It's progressing at a faster rate than she had anticipated.

"You don't mind sleeping with me right? The bed is really big and it can fit both of us. I promised to take care of you so I need you within my sight. If anything happens, your parents will find me."

"I-i-i guess...that makes sense..."

"Now that you understand, we're going to my bedchamber."



The next morning, the birds were chirping outside the window, and Daphne's eyes fluttered open slowly. She turned her head to the side and met with a hard chest. She quickly moved back and turned her body to the window, facing away from the prince.

Oh no! I hope he doesn't wake up because I accidentally bumped into him! What am I going to do?!

While Daphne was panicking by herself by the edge of the bed, Adonis was wide awake. He laughed silently at the scene in front of him. Daphne was so busy worrying about small things that she didn't notice that he was up long before she was.

Adonis played it off and turned to the other side of the bed,pretending that he was still sleeping. Daphne heard the shuffling and peeked over her shoulders to see what was happening. She sighed in relief that Adonis didn't felt a thing, so she calmed down.

On the other hand, Adonis opened his eyes once more as his back faced Daphne. He didn't know why, but an image flashed through his mind and he suddenly remembered something, or someone to be exact. He had a split headache for a second and then smiled to himself.

I wonder how he's doing.

A/N: I plan on posting 3 chaps today & here's the 1st one. 2 more coming after but not sure about the 3rd since I may fall asleep before or in the middle of writing it

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