How To Slay A Vampire 101

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Chapter Nine

7:30 PM, Monday, November 15th, 2014

Under different circumstances, I might've laughed. But considering what's happening at midnight, I take this very hard. 

The question Darius has just asked is obviously naive. Being a vampire slayer isn't all fun and games. Sometimes you can get seriously hurt. Take me for example. The notion of Darius holding a crossbow, eradicating a fleet of vampires, doesn't fall too far from insanity. 

I try and say something, but whatever words I planned to execute openly fail to even reach my throat. I'm completely hopeless in the matter. Except for my father, who always seems to have a plan b. 

"Son," he begins, "I know this... uh... 'discovery' may seem exciting and alluring to you, but trust me, it's not at all. Bud... it's not exactly an ideal lifestyle. People are more prone to injury-" or death, I think, but keep silent and continue listening. 

"-when their a vampire hunter. This isn't like one of those video games you play upstairs."

I can't help but agree. When I first started hunting, I thought it would be easy as pie. Shoot a wooden stick into an evil bloodthirsty monster? Totally cool. But then, as I continued in my training, I learned sometimes it's harder than anything you've ever done. Especially what happened last night. That hunt, unfortunately for me, branded myself with lasting consequences. 

"But daaaad, it would be so awesome to kill vampires! Right mom?"

My mother sighs, looking crestfallen. "Honey, I'm taking your father's side on this one. You are too young to become one. Kate didn't start until she was nearly fourteen. Your ten, Darius."

Darius stomps his foot angrily. "This isn't fair! I could easily kill a vampire, even if I'm ten," he retorts furiously. 

Part of me wants to hug him, yet another region of me wants to slap him upside the head. "Darius. When your old enough, you'll take up the business. But for now, we sure as hell won't put you into any danger. So please, no matter how many times you stomp your feet and get all red, we're not giving you what you want. It's for your own protection," I say pleadingly. 

I hope this will deconstruct his steely resolve. Surprisingly, it does. He sighs, resigned to the fact that he will not become a vampire slayer until he's fourteen. 

He looks at my father, his expression zealous. "Well, if you won't let me be one, can I at least learn how to be one?"

The question is appealing. Teaching Darius the basics of vampire hunting can't be all that bad. My father nods. "I suppose so. Let's go into the living room."

My mother opens the twin double doors to the place in question, and we all filter into it, the temperature of the room toasty and warm. 

I take a seat on the stiff wooden chair by the coffee table, while my parents sit together on the large sofa. My brother takes his pick on the love seat across from my parents and diagonal to me. 

Darius doesn't hesitate. "So how do you kill a vampire?" He asks. I don't hesitate either. "The top two things that'll kill a vampire almost instantly are a stake or, as I hope you've gained from your video game knowledge, sunlight. Blessed water is only good if you want to delay one, but, alas, good all the same. Crosses and garlic will not harm a vampire, only make them extremely agitated for you thinking their a stereotype. So melodramatic, vampires." 

Darius nods, sucking up the information slowly. He then stares at our parents. "When did you two become vampire hunters?" 

My father smiles. "I was a vampire slayer at fourteen, as was your mother, but we hadn't met then. We both were born into families who killed vampires."

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