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Saman and Aiman are sisters who belong to a lower-middle-class family and live with their mother. Aiman believes in the fundamentals of contentment, sacrifice and, compassion and always upholds them as her guiding force. She is very kind, polite and deeply respects her mother and elders. Saman, who is younger than Aiman, is overambitious and has no scruples when it comes to making it big in life. She believes she can give defeat to anyone at anytime. Faisal, Aiman and Saman's cousin, wishes to marry Saman, as he thinks she is more beautiful when compared to her older sister who he is engaged to. He breaks the engagement and proposes to Saman. However, Saman refuses to marry her cousin and wishes to wed someone who is rich. So, Faisal's mother decides to get him and Aiman engaged again. Soon, as Faisal progresses at his standing in business and earns more salary, his financial situation improves and he renovates his house, buys a car, and so on. Saman becomes very jealous as she sees her sister's fiance become more and more like the "perfect husband" that she dreamed of having. She demands that Aiman and Faisal's engagement be broken as Faisal first meant to marry her, not Aiman. Faisal happily breaks his engagement and is even more eager to marry Saman. Aiman does not reveal that she has feelings for Faisal as she watches him and Saman get married.

After marriage, Saman becomes more snobby and as she expected, Faisal follows her every command. The couple have a son (whom they name Hadeed) a year later. Saman can barely handle her child, and constantly gives Hadid to Aiman, who takes very good care of him. Many times, after Faisal scolds her for treating her mother-in-law poorly, Saman leaves the house and flees to her friend Munazah's house. She soon starts an affair with Faisal's business partner, Azar, (who is already married and has two children), as she finds him to be richer than her husband. When Saman leaves home after Faisal slaps her for yelling at his mother, everyone thinks that she will just come back again after a few days. However, Saman files for divorce from Faisal and plans to get married to Azar. On the other hand, Azar supposedly divorces his wife and buys a grand house for him and Saman to live in. Shocked and hurt, Faisal does not want to separate from his wife and at first refuses to sign the legal divorce papers. His mother later convinces him to divorce Saman. Azar has meanwhile broken off his partnership with Faisal, leaving the latter embittered and in near penury after losing his factory, machinery and workers. Leaving her family heartbroken and speechless, Saman enjoys her life with her new husband. She spends a ton of money shopping, shows off to the friends who don't know about her previous marriage, and thinks that she has literally given maat to Faisal. Meanwhile, Aiman's mother and aunt decide to get Faisal and Aiman married so that Hadid has a proper family and mother. Aiman agrees to do whatever her mother says, and Faisal is left with no choice (however at first he is afraid of dealing with another wife). The two cousins get married, but Faisal gives Aiman a warning, saying that he cannot tolerate any harm to Hadid and does not want to face a second spoiled wife. Azar then breaks his business deal with Saman's friend's husband and refuses to give Munazah money to open her salon. The friendship between Saman and Munazah ends and Munazah starts spreading rumors about Saman saying she is a husband thief. When calling to confront her, Saman finds out that Azar never divorced his first wife.

The timeline then fast forwards to 25 years later as Hadeed , now a successful 27 year old bachelor, is about to get married. By this time Faisal had established a new factory and his business has grown to be even more successful than Azar's had been. Even though they are still married, Faisal has never truly given Aiman her full rights as his wife and they have lived a relatively mundane lifestyle. However, they both love Hadid more than anything else and he too in turn is extremely close to his mother Aiman, even more so than to his father. Hadid has grown up thinking that Saman had died after he had been born instead of the actual reason. Aiman was content with this way of living until one day she finds a picture of Saman in Faisal's mobile, and it is soon revealed that Azar had died recently and after his death Saman and Faisal had begun an affair. Unknown to Aiman, Faisal plans to divorce her and re-marry Saman. He attempts to convince Hadid to go through with this plan but they end up arguing so Faisal lies to him that it was Aiman who had brought about a rift between Faisal and Saman and it was because of her that they had divorced. Confused by this chain of events Hadid begins questioning Aiman's ways and becomes a bit cold towards her. Faisal soon signs divorce papers and reveals to Aiman about his plans to marry Saman the next day. He tells her that along with the divorce papers there are documents for Aiman to be given an apartment and a monthly retainer so that she wouldn't need anything financially.

Aiman tries to reason with Faisal by reminding him about everything Saman had done and how miserable she had made him but Faisal simply replies that he has forgiven her and lies that Hadid wants the same as him. Heartbroken at Hadid's betrayal, Aiman becomes hysterical and tears up the apartment documents and throws them at Faisal telling him that he and Saman are a perfect match because they're both selfish and heartless and leaves the house. After hours of walking around the city Aiman comes across a kind security guard who takes her to his home and tells her to consider him as her new son while at Faisal's house Saman enters as his new wife. Saman again shows glimpses of her old self and tells Faisal about her plans for their lives from now on which Faisal dutifully agrees to, signalling the resumption of Saman's control over him. Meanwhile, Hadid gets worried when Aiman doesn't answer his calls and returns home to find his father and his birth mother waiting for him. Faisal and Saman try to reason with him by telling them they are an actual family now but Hadid tells them that they are just being selfish as they had always been and refuses to be part of the charade. He tells Saman that she was never his mother as she returned only when there was nothing else left for her in her old life while his father is the most unappreciative person ever. He tells his parents that he is going to look for his real mother, the one who brought him up, showered her love and affection on him and had been with him his whole life, and never wants to look at Faisal and Saman ever again. The security guard with whose family Aiman had been staying sees her picture in the newspaper which Hadid had posted to locate her and contacts him. Hadid arrives to take Aiman back who although angry and resistant at first realizes her son was never at fault. Later on the two of them discuss everything that happened, where Hadid reveals that Faisal had been planning everything for months now and it was his refusal to go along with his father's plan that had delayed it all this while.

The story flashes forward for the last time, this time 4 years later showing Aiman living with Hadid and his wife, now with a son of their own. She receives a call from Saman who apologizes repeatedly on her and Faisal behalf, telling Aiman that they were living alone like zombies and that Faisal kept on saying he was happier in his old life. Aiman tells her that she and Hadid have forgiven them but will never see them again and tells her that all of her and Faisal's decisions were leading up to the inevitable, which had now happened. She wishes them to be together as they are perfect for each other and deserve to suffer in the misery and unhappiness in which they are living for the rest of their lives. With this she hangs up and resumes the story which she had been telling her grandson, happy with the feeling that she had finally given defeat to Saman after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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