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So, I have an idea. Maybe I can use this book to help myself understand why I can't write anymore. Firstly, I have noticed I've become extremely unmotivated to do anything anymore. I have a new part of SSOM (She's Scared Of Men) but I honestly don't know what to write.

Like I started writing it when I had flow but now I tried to write more but I cant continue because I dont have that flow anymore. I really do love writing but I dont know exactly what to write. (You get what I mean?) Eh maybe I'll figure it out in due time.

I mean every since I turned 15 I been feeling like this so I dunno man. But imma try to write more.

See ya~

The song above has nothing to do with anything I just like it lol

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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