Chapter 1

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Ugh. If this tedious wait is going to persist every time I am here, I gotta have to reconsider my research topics.

She was playing with her eyeglasses while leaning on the uncomfortable metal chair in the waiting room. She looked around hoping to find someone to strike up a conversation with. Unfortunately, the people who were waiting were either anxious about meeting their loved ones, or buried into the magazines that lay in front of them. Lots of subjects. Her train of thought was interrupted when the door flung open, and a woman planted herself, only half of her body in the room.

"Visitors for a Mr. Renner? Step forward please."

A woman woke up shakily, and took calculated steps. Must be her first visit. "Right this way ma'am, please follow me" said the woman at the doorway. How does she manage such a genuine smile? One moment, the specs clad woman was emulating that smile, the other moment, she almost jumped as a hand fell on her head in what might be considered a gentle tap if it didn't happen in a prison waiting room.

She turned her head warily to look for the owner of that hand. "Samantha? Samantha Ranger?" Damn. That baritone deserves all the praise in the world. There stood a towering man, a bit too lanky for his height. Samantha instantly got up and extended her hand. "Hi, it is very nice to meet you, the-guy-who-knows-my-name-but-I-don't-know-his."

She was hoping for a smile, but life doesn't always give you what you hope for. "You can call me Mr.Danton" his grip on her hand was as firm as it was soft. Dark green shirt with a navy blue jacket. Indeed, didn't seem like a person who terribly minded how he looked. "You said you wanted to meet Carl Brair?"

"Indeed I did. Is there a problem Mr. Danton?"

"No I don't think there are any problems with arranging a meet with him. But I am inclined to warn you, there is a reason why no one has approached him from the outside."

"Why is he that dangerous? His record states that he hasn't killed anyone or even injured people"

"You know Ms. Ranger, for a Psychology student, you sure seem dumb from the way you talk. Is killing the most dangerous thing you can do to someone?"

Samantha was piqued. That was it. But even before she could open her mouth in a retort, Mr. Danton continued "Save it. This is what you asked for and from the looks of it, I don't think you have a change of mind even after my request. I'll go forth with the arrangement. Please fill out this form. Just a little formality. We assure your safety Ms. Ranger. But just in case, please be careful. And once you're done, meet me in my office" with that, he pointed to the room down at the end of the hallway outside the waiting room.

With that, he walked away, leaving her with her forms. It was hard to ascertain the quieter of two sounds. Was it the scratching of a pen on paper, or the muttering of curses from her mouth? Be that as it may, Samantha filled the forms out and made her way down the hall. Never have I been so offended by something that was accurate.


"Who is on exhibit duty today Mrs. Frost?" Mr. Danton inquired the lady whom Samantha presumed to be his secretary.

With a smile, the woman with a sliver of grey near her temples replied, "Tennessee is in charge today Ollie." It was indeed a very rare sight, getting to look at a woman that old in Trishank.

What might have been a smile that escaped Oliver Danton's mouth as he reciprocated what Mrs. Frost sent his way vanished as he noticed Samantha peering at it. "Call him in to escort our guest Ms. Ranger here"

"Right away." With that she picked up the Intercom and dialled twice. "Tennessee darling would you be so kind to report to Mr. Danton's office please?"

Moments after the call was placed, Samantha heard a crisp triple knock. When Oliver called him in, Samantha turned to look at the man who would escort her into the prison. He was more of a lad than a man, defined by his muscular frame, which his t-shirt barely hid, and his tapered blonde hair. With a stern façade and hands behind his back, he clearly projected the sincere soldier look, as if to say "give me an order. Or don't bother calling"

And an order was exactly what he got. "Mr. Williams, this is Ms Ranger. Has a meeting with Briar" at this, Samantha clearly noticed the lad flinch a bit, but Oliver paid no heed as he went on, "You take care of the rest."

"Will do, Sir. Right this way please ma'am" said Tennessee as he walked away knowing not, and caring not whether he was followed.

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