Exotic new students

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What happened in the last chapter:

-Then a couple it is!- He gave me a quick kiss and helped me get up, took me to the door and before he opened he said- You can tell Round Head, but only her, k?-and gave me another kiss before I started walking and hear the door close behind be.

This chapter:

Kacchan's POV

I see someone in the shadows, probably listening to the whole conversation, fortunately, I know exactly who it is, so I just pull him inside the room and close the door. I must be with the biggest smile he ever saw because he is with a "wow" face and says:

-I heard the whole thing! YOU GUYS ARE FINALLY TOGETHER!- he shouted while whispering and gave me a bear hug.

-I just think that you are more excited about it that I am- I said while laughing.

-Undoubtedly! See? I told you!

-Yeah haha... You did...

-You don't look so excited about it... What's wrong?-Damm it! He looked so worried over a silly thing...

-Is nothing... I swear...

-Stop lying!

-I'm just scared I will break him again...

-Oh... You won't! He chose you, you chose him, honor it!

I went speechless, he was right. I couldn't be scared now... If I got scared I would freak him out... And when he freaks out he got panic attacks and I freak out, everyone freak out and I would fuck up everything like I always do.

-Everything will go just fine. Alright?- he concluded.

-F-fine... I'll try not to freak out.

-That's my boy! Now, I need to go, sensei is already starting the rounds...

-Okay, but you have any idea of what Aizawa sensei will tell us tomorrow?

-It is something about some new students from out of school that will come to our class.

-Really? New students, huh? That's interesting...

-I know right? Now I gotta go, sorry!-He said already walking out.

-Good night, Kiri.-I said closing and locking the door.

I dropped myself on the bed and got my phone to play a bit but, instead, I texted Deku:

B: Oi, Deku.

D: Hi <3

B: So... You know that place that we went when we were little?

D: Yeah, what about it?

B: Wanna go there after class tomorrow?

D: Are you asking me out on a date?

B: Guess so -///-

D: haha, okay... Then I will choose very nice clothes ^_^

B: I just thought something not that nice to do after the date...

D: Oh no... I know exactly what you thought and NO!

B: Own... Come on, please?

D: Maybe later, around the fifth date, k?

B: So far awayyyyyyyy! You are so mean sometimes;-;

D: I guess that around that time, I will be a little bit more prepared, you know?

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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