Baby Momma Drama

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The movie was great. By the end of it I found myself clutching Marcus’ arm for comfort because I was so scared. After the movie we went to Wendy’s and grabbed a burger. By the time I got home it was a little after nine o’ clock.

“There you are,” my mom said to me. “How was the movie?”

“It was really good. I was really scared.”

“It really was. I was so paranoid after I left and the 4-D theatre made it so realistic. The whole thing was crazy.”

“I’m glad you liked it. So who is this Marcus person you were with?”

“He’s just a friend mom.”

“Who’s just a friend?” My stepdad Trevor walked into the living room holding his plate of dinner in one hand and a beer in another.

“This guy she went to the movies with,” mom said. We both knew that my stepdad was fairly critical when it came to me dating.

“Are you two together?” We expected him to ask that question.

“No we’re not dating dad.”

“Just making sure,” he said. He then went upstairs to his den to finish watching the hockey game.

“Are you two really dating?”

“No,” I told my mom. “I would have told you already if we were.”

“I just wanted to know. I know your stepfather can be rough on boys but if you want to date you at least have to tell me first so that I can work with him about it.”

“Okay.” I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a Capri Sun pouch. My mom had disappeared by the time I came back into the living room. It was starting to get late and I still had school the next day. Before I went to sleep I watched the new episode of Glee and a rerun of American Dad.

* * * * *

My alarm clock went off at 6:15 a.m. I got up and hopped in the shower. It was one of the things I looked forward to in the morning. I loved the feeling of the warm water running down my body and the wonderful fragrance of the scented soap I used ritually.

Getting dressed only took a half an hour. I was dressed in a purple V-neck, grey jeans, and a pair of converses. I went downstairs to find my mom setting three plates on the table for breakfast. She made bacon, cheese eggs, and biscuits. My stepdad followed my footsteps downstairs and joined us at the table. We had a conversation about where we would go for winter break this year. I suggested going to Toronto for a week. My mom, who was opposed to the cold weather, suggested going on a cruise ship to Panama or the Bahamas. Trevor said we could go surfing in California.

Within a few minutes breakfast had turned into an exhibition of vacation ideas. We threw around everything from skiing and snowboarding in Malaysia to scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef and to staying at a luxury resort on a beach in Hawaii.

My second alarm went off an hour later signaling my time to head out to catch the train. School starts at 8 but it only takes me about a half an hour to get there.

One thing that people should know about catching trains in NYC is that they are crowded 95% of the time. Fortunately that was not the case this morning. The train I got on was emptier than usual which made the station eerily quiet. When the train came I sat in the front car as usual. At first I thought that I was the only one on there until I saw two pairs of legs.

At least I’m not completely alone I thought to myself. Because of the lack of people, the train got to my station earlier than it was supposed to but I wasn’t complaining. I got up as the train pulled into the station when one of the pairs of legs moved to get up. I looked -over to James at the other end of the car. With him was another gothic-looking guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2012 ⏰

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