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Prepare your tissue papers, my friends. Shit's gon' hit the fan. (°◇°;)

(Btw, I was going to update yesterday but the WiFi really said nah fam-)

Perhaps, Nagisa might've misjudged just how excited Koro sensei was to fill the year book. He did suspect him to be somewhat crazy about it, but not so much as to bring them all the way to another continent. If someone were to ask him if he ever flew out of the country then they surely wouldn't believe it if he said that he saw the Statue of Liberty, the Great wall of China, Mount Everest and some places he couldn't recognize in a single day.

Koro sensei had made the whole class pose over Big Ben mid flight and now he was rushing onto another country. Nagisa's head was spinning in the rush of it all. The bag kept them from tipping over but he could see how the foreign countries suddenly turned to blur and all he could see was the sky and the ocean their teacher practically leapt over as he took the bunch of them to the next country.

"Off you go, boys and girls!" He put the bag on the ground and used his tentacles to gently lower them all down to firm concrete.

"Ugh…" Sugino braced his head and winced, "where are we?" 

Nagisa looked around, the area was a vacant place so it wasn't like they could guess, and Muramatsu mused, "At least we're all in one piece."

"Now, now, I wouldn't endanger your lives so easily. Have some faith in me!" Koro sensei donned a wig and a humanoid nose as he chided. "My dear students, we're in La Rambla- it's a famous tourist spot in Spain if you missed it. I could sense some rumbling stomachs among you all and I think this place can do for a tiny break."

He reached in his robe and took out a thick manual, "I've written down about all the things you could eat in Spain in page number 3451, and all the how-tos are just a single page away! Have fun but don't stray too far!"

Dropping the book onto them, most of the students formed groups. Nagisa huffed at the size of the guidebook but cut his losses and decided to haul it along with him as he took in the area.

It was fairly chilly, seeing as it was February, and he was swiftly confronted by the foreign architecture and the chitter chattering of the local people and the tourists in their strange tongue. Some of which Nagisa recognized as English.

At least that was a relief. It was better than being dropped off to a country where he couldn't communicate at all.

Glancing around to find Sugino and Kayano, he noticed Kayano grouping up with the rest of the girls and Sugino being pulled along by some of the boys. Well, there goes his plan of grouping up with them..

"Yo, Nagisa," He knew that voice all too familiar, "so, what's the plan?"

"I was looking for Sugino and Kayano actually," he sheepishly admitted, "I really have no idea what I'm supposed to do."

Karma huffed and shouldered the book as he suggested, "How about we see the place for ourselves? Who knows, we might just get lucky with the street vendors here."

Luckily, Koro sensei had some change on him that he gave them to eat- not without weeping in grievance for his empty wallet, of course- not that Nagisa really knew how the currency here worked. It wouldn't be the same as Yen, he mused while feeling the weight of the coins he'd sent them with in his pocket.

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