12. The Last Chimera

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"A true hero isn't measured by the size of their strength. But of the size of their heart"

 But of the size of their heart"

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Stiles walked out of the hospital room, "Hey Stiles" someone called out causing Stiles to turn around and looked behind him to see James who pulled something up from his pocket "Drive safe and no scratches" he said as he threw some keys to Stiles.

He looked at the car keys in his hand before he looked up at James "Heard about your Jeep. So you can borrowed my car, is at home, but I think you can used it" James said and Stiles smiled "Thank you, James" he said "No scratches or I'm going to scratch you" James said, Stiles nodded and they sent each other a smile before James walked into Harper's room.


Parrish, Scott, Melissa and Stiles was standing in a room at the hospital talking about what to do next.

"It could be a side effect of shock" Parrish said "She's catatonic. It was Theo digging his way through her mind" Stiles said "Why would he do that? What is he looking for?" Melissa asked "The same thing he's always looking for. An advantage" Scott said "So what did he gain by trying to kill Stilinski and wounded Harper?" Parrish asked "It left me alone with Liam. Theo wanted to make sure no one would be there to stop him from killing me" Scott said "Okay, so he gutted my dad and wounded Harper as a distraction" Stiles said "We need to find this kid" Parrish said "Isn't that a little dangerous? Especially since he almost killed my kid? And put the other in the hospital" Melissa said.

"Yeah, but he said he didn't want my dad to die" Stiles said "And you believe him?" Parrish asked "He told me where to find him. So, maybe he also knows how to save him" Stiles said "What do you want to do? Talk to him?" Melissa asked "If it saves my dad, then yeah" Stiles said "I'll come with you. He doesn't know that I'm alive. Maybe that gives us an advantage" Scott said "He'll know you're there. I just need to talk to him. Not fight him" Stiles said and walked towards the door "Stiles, you can't go alone" Melissa said "I will ask James" Stiles said "James said he don't want to leave as long as Harper is in the hospital and I don't think it is a very good idea bringing him after what Theo did to Harper, James will ripe off his head before he can even get the chance to open his mouth" Scott said "Does anyone even know how to find him?" Parrish asked "We don't have to find him. He'll come to me" Stiles said.


Stiles was in the McCall house sitting by the foot of the stairs looking down while Scott was standing upstairs behind a corner.

Suddenly a figure was standing in front of Stiles by the door right by the barrier of Mountain Ash, Stiles looked up and saw Theo.

Theo looked down at the Mountain Ash, he then looked back at Stiles and stepped over the Mountain Ash "I guess we're all telling the truth now" he said.

Then Theo caught a scent, but Stiles lifted up one of Scott's shirt and threw to Theo "You killed my best friend?" Stiles asked him "Let's be honest, Stiles. Was he still really your best friend?" Theo asked "Are you going to let my father die?" Stiles asked "If I wanted him to die I wouldn't have told you where you can find him" Theo said "Then why are they saying his body is shutting down?" Stiles asked as he got up "That some toxin's poisoning him and they don't know how to stop it" he said "I'm not the bad guy, Stiles. I'm just a realist. I'm survivor. If you knew the things that I know..." "Yeah, but what do you know?" Stiles asked cutting him off.

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