Chapter 1

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Luke and I have butted heads ever since middle school. We got along perfectly fine before then. We would do everything together. Going to the playground, and eating ice cream together we're normal activities for Luke and I until we hit Grade 6. Then something changed. Luke stopped playing with me, and eventually became resentful towards me. I was 100% sure that he hated me with all of his guts. He would trip me in the school cafeteria in front of all his friends, and laugh in my face. My mom told me it was because he liked me, but I could never understand why a boy would make a girls life miserable just because he likes her. I would go home crying from school because of how mean Luke was to me. It wasn't until Grade 8 when I started to fight back. Luke had always been the popular kid in school that everyone loved, so when I put a bucket of red Kool-Aid in his locker and it spilled all over him, it was a big shock to everyone. Little nerdy Hunter Shae Johnson was fighting back against THE Luke Robert Hemmings.

Once we got to high school, nothing changed between us. He still tripped me in the hallways, and he still acted as if we had never even been friends. We went back and forth for years and were content with hating each others guts.

"Get out of my way, bitch." A familiar voice spat at me. I was walking to Chemistry class when I whipped around to see Luke surrounded by his friends who worshiped the ground beneath his feet. The group of boys obnoxiously laughed at Luke's comment as I firmly flipped Luke off and started toward my classroom.

Just like every other typical Monday morning, I trudged to my desk seated in the very back row of the classroom and slung my brown leather book bag down on the ground. Luke routinely walked into the class room 10 seconds before the bell rang and made his way to his seat right next to mine just how he always did. He kicked my back pack across the floor, and just as I went to yell, my teacher began to take roll.



Mr. Scott took the attendance for the rest of the class, and I zoned out like I do every time. I couldn't hear Michael Clifford, the hottest guy in school, whispering my name from the desk in front of me. Michael had bright red hair, but it changed almost every other week. He had light blueish/green eyes and pale skin. He wore band tees and black ripped skinny jeans almost every day, and he sure did make it look hot.

"Hunter. Psssst, Hunter."

I snapped back into focus to see Michael leaning backward trying to talk to me.

"Yeah?" I whispered.

"Hey so I know that we don't ever really talk, but I've seen you around school and you seem really cool." He smirked at me.

"Okay so...?"

"So you should come to the party that I'm throwing on Friday at my house!"

Oh my god. Michael Clifford. The hottest guy in school. Asked me to go to a party.

Trying to keep my cool, i swiftly replied "Alright, I'll think about it."

For a second I forgot that I was in Chemistry class when Mr. Scott attempts to bring the class's attention back to him.

Michael winked at me, then turned back around in his seat. Luke scoffed and continued to flirt with the random girl sitting in front of him.

Class went on for another 40 minutes and it was boring and pointless like it is every single day. I will never understand why I need to learn how to balance equations because I will never use that in my entire life.

The bell finally rang and as I was putting my supplies inside of my backpack, Michael tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey so I really want you to come to the party on Friday. I think it would be a lot of fun!" He gave me a grin and with that, he walked out to the classroom.

As the school day went on, Luke and I went on out daily routine of embarrassing each other and tripping one another in the hallway. If you didn't know us you would think we were flirting with each other, but that is obviously not the case. We genuinely hated each other.

ayeee it's Alex I know this chapter is short and boring but yeah this is my first story on Wattpad so don't b mean 2 me !!! ok but really if ur actually reading this thank u I love u !! ch 2 will be posted soon ok
WAIT can we talk about michaels new blue hair omfg I love

ok bye

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