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Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were eating their lunches together in the cafeteria, they were just talking about volleyball, etc. Until a certain someone passed by them, Tsukishima noticed (y/n) holding her lunchbox and proceeded to eat alone.

"...Yamaguchi, what kind of person is (l/n)-san?"  He asked him and didn't take his eyes off of her. "Hm? Ah, well, everyone knows almost nothing about her. But she gives off a slightly intimidating vibe, it's kinda scary." Yamaguchi chewed the food in his mouth and swallowed it down.

"I don't think anyone here has ever seen her smile, or show any emotions in general." Yamaguchi pinched some rice with his chopsticks and brought it to his mouth again, "I don't think she's very friendly, she's really smart though."

"You're not usually the type of person to ask about someone else, what's wrong?" Yamaguchi looked genuinely concerned. Tsukishima looked back at him, "I just want to know about my study partner." He continued eating.


Tsukishima was supposed to be at practice right now, but unfortunately, he forgot his lunchbox in his desk. Daichi gave him some time to grab the lunchbox and go back to the gym. 'How could I be so stupid?' he grumbled.

Tsukishima opened the door and his eyes were immediately met with a pair of cold, (e/c) eyes. He immediately recognized her just from the dullness of her eyes. "I forgot my lunchbox in my desk." He walked past her and went straight to his desk. Once he found what he was searching for, he turned around and saw that she was struggling to clean the top part of the blackboard.

He sighed, put the lunchbox on the teacher's desk and grabbed the eraser from her hand easily. "Here, I'll do it for you." He started erasing the part that she couldn't reach, when he was finished, he put the eraser down and glanced at her.

Her mouth parted open to speak, "thank you." Her expression stayed the same.

Tsukishima sighed, staring at her face, 'does she even have any emotions?' He thought to himself. "While we're here, I wanna talk about the project." He told her. She only nodded in response. "I think it would be best if we exchange numbers, we can talk about it through phone." She nodded once more as she takes out her cellphone, "give me your phone." She put her hand in front of her, telling him to put his phone there. He did as told and took her phone she was holding.

They typed in their phone numbers in each other's phones, (y/n) pressed the call button and her phone that was in Tsukishima's grip rang. "There you go." She ended the call and gave Tsukishima his phone back. Tsukishima gave her her phone in return.

"Are you going home now?" He asked her. "I still have to put those," she pointed to the pile of papers on the desk, "on sensei's desk in the faculty room." Tsukishima turned his head to take a look at the papers. " you need help?" He asked. "Not really, I can do it myself." She walked over to the papers and got ready to pick them up from the bottom. She stumbled back a little but was caught by Tsukishima who was standing behind her.

"You clearly can't." He glared at her, her stubbornness is an unexpected side of her. (Y/n) stayed silent and moved away from his hold. He audibly sighed and took more than half of the pile she had in her hands. "Tsukishima-kun—" "I can help you." He cut her off and put his lunchbox on top of the pile in his hands.

She looked down and nodded at him. "Let's go, I still have practice." He walked out of the door and waited for her. She stayed silent but followed suit. They walked to the faculty room in silence, it's still very much awkward, both not liking the presence of each other and would rather be alone.

She opens the door to the faculty room and searched for the desk that has the teacher's name on it. When she found it she glanced at Tsukishima and put down her pile on the desk, he copied her actions. "Thank you again, Tsukishima-kun." She bowed slightly, he scratched the back of his neck, "no problem, I'll contact you later." He bid her goodbye and left her to go to the gym.

(Y/n) turned around and went back to her class to get her bag. She sighed when Tsukishima got into her mind, 'he's so annoying'.

Tsukishima entered the gym, "I think getting a lunchbox from class wouldn't take this long right?" Daichi scolded him. Tsukishima flinched at him, "I'm sorry, Daichi-san." He thought about who and what made him late, 'she's so annoying.'


That night, (y/n) got a message from Tsukishima:

(L/n)-san, any idea where
and when are we going?

You sent a link
This is the closest museum
I could find, it's two stations away.
We can go on Saturday, if
you're free.

Sure, I'm free on Saturday.

"He's just being a normal partner, " she sighed, "so why does he irritate me so much?" She turned off her phone and continued the homework that was given earlier that day.

"She's actually being responsible about this project, " he read the messages again and again, "but she somehow annoys me." He groaned, a part of him wants to prolong the conversation. But he knows that he has to finish his homework.


Word count: 933 words

Honestly ngl yeah this one's kinda bad, but I'm writing this on 2:44 am and I have been so sleep deprived 😳🗿🗿

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