Chapter 4

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Ok so basically I already had this chapter done as well, I just didn't like it. But redoing it doesn't really sound like a good plan bc ik ill just slack. And yes i realize this chapter is suuuuuuuper short but imma try to write longer ones from now on... but anyway, here ya go lmao <3


Eren's POV

Eren was pissed.

He thought that Levi would recognize him in this form, but he hadn't. To say he was disappointed would be an understatement. He thought it was pretty obvious that he was the titan, but Levi just couldn't see it. It wouldn't take a genius to make the connection. He was basically just a smaller version of the titan plus clothes. He had the same eyes and hair, even the length, but he guessed that humans probably didn't know the secret about the titans.

Eren pondered on the edge of the branch and reminisced on his past. Images of a young blond boy and raven haired female flashed in his mind. Their smiles directed at him, their arms opened wide. He would never forget the day he met them. He was young and cold and had just woken up in a world different from what he remembered. In front of him stood a giant grey wall and he looked up, only to find that it was never ending. Whatever was inside was trying to keep something out. He ran around the imposing ring of grey and stooped in front of a gate. It was open and he took the chance to push through.

He was amazed at the sheltered civilization he had stumbled upon. He appeared to be in the middle of a market and nobody seemed to notice that he just came from outside.

Living in the walls their whole lives, the humans have grown ignorant and think that they are the only ones in the world. Only a few have the confidence to venture out and risk their lives trying to find answers. What are the titans? Who created them? Why were they created? What lies beyond these walls? They want to know it all, they don't want to be caged birds, they want freedom. Freedom and answers. And I could give it to them. But I need them to trust me. I need him to trust me.

With his mind set, Eren jumped from the tree into the sea of titans and bit down on his hand, hard.

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