Chapter 2: A new Harley Vance

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(Harley's P.O.V.)

I can barely breath, what is going on? This feeling is sickening... My heart... hurts... I'm just looking at him. Can't hear anything he's saying. I want to speak... I want to scream... I'm not even having a panic attack... I'm just looking at him like this might be the last time I see him. (teary eyes) My eyes... they are reacting... he holds me so tight... he is also crying, Harley talk! Come on... talk to him... scream at him... punch him if you need to... just do something!!! Why am I speechless? Snap out of it. SNAP OUT OF IT!!!

Harith - Harley! Please speak to me

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Harith - Harley! Please speak to me. (shaking his shoulder)

Harley - (slaps Harith) You unfaithful leonin!

Harley - (slaps Harith) You unfaithful leonin!

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Harith - ... I'm so sorry, but you wanted to divorce me.

Harley - I only suggested that... and you just went, in less than 24 hours and, slept with someone else...

Harith - It was a mistake... and we haven't had sex in the last 2 months... Seems like you don't like me anymore.

Harley - I love you! Also, I have been having a conflict with myself about who I am and what to do with my life, but I would have never thought about cheating on you! EVER!

Harith - I know! I know! (crying) I'm so sorry! Please forgive me...

Harley - WHAT?! Are you crazy?! (gets up and goes to the bedroom)

Harith - (follows) Please, Harley let us talk about this...

Harley - Now you want to talk!? (gets Harith's clothes on a suitcase)

Harith - Wait... those are my clothes... (ignoring) You just said... the best way to a healthy relationship is communication...

Harley - (screaming) AND TRUST!!!! (throws suitcase at him) You can go to hell!

Harith - Wait... (grabs suitcase) wait! Where am I going to sleep?

Harley - I don't care! Go sleep with Dyrroth!!! (crosses arms while crying) I hate you so much... (turns around) LEAVE THE HOUSE!

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