Chapter 4

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This is chapter 4! Second update of the day!!!



Home room was pretty boring, but it was ok because I got to sit by Max and Jen. My next class is science. I guess I'm what some would call a, what's the word........erm......Science Whizz, yeah! I love science because that's basically what I grew up in, my dad being a scientist and all.


"Well that's the bell, let's get going!" Max said

"I'm coming, JEEZ DUDE CALM IT!" I replied

With that we began to walk to class



After 4 lessons which consisted of Maths, drama, survival class and science, 2 either side of break. I walked into the canteen and saw max and jen sitting at a table surrounded by people.

"Hey guys, this is Alana, she's from England!" said max

"Way to state the obvious max!" said a pretty brown haired girl

"Well, I'll introduce everyone! That's Destiny, she's really shy but bubbly when she wants to be, then we have Dan", he points to a black haired boy," then we have Beth and Fearne, they're twins" he states as he points to the identical brunettes. He was about to tell me the last 2 until the brunette from before interrupted

"Hey, I'm Lizzie"

"Hi" I looked at the guy next to her, "is that your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, this is David, he's a werewolf and we're mates. I know what you're thinking but it's true!"

"Dude, chill, I believe you!"

"Thanks! So what are you doing tonight, everyone's going to the cinema and we would love you to come!"

"Yeah, I would love to come; I'll just have to text my mum and ask if I can go"


I sat down and began my wonderful nutella sandwiches my mum made me.

"Dude, is that nutella, on a sandwich?" David asked me

"Yeah, you want one?"

"Hell YEAH!" he replied "Mother of all that's holy, these are the best thing that has ever graced my taste buds!"

"I know right, I can't stop eating them so I get my mum to make more!"

"Dude I have to have more of this, please!" he gave me the puppy dog eyes (pun intended) so I eventually gave in.

"Thank you so much Lana!"

"It was nothing!"


"Come on guys that was the bell, we gotta go to phys ed!"

"WHOOOOOOO I LOVE PHYS ED!" I heard Max scream

"OMG I LOVE IT TOO!" I screamed back

"He gets a bit hyper when it comes to Phys Ed." Lizzie told me

"Really, I hadn't noticed." I said back and we both laughed all the way to the changing rooms.

"Goodbye Maxxy!" I said once we had to go in seperate changing rooms.

"I'll see you on the other side Lana!" He replied

"Until then."

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you enjoyed, this one was for you Lizzie!!!!

Sorry its shorter than the last one!

Friends on the side.

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