Chapter 24 : The Grand Bout : Part 1

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"All right, we're so close to getting there. We're down to the last three items: Acetic anhydride, sodium bicarbonate, and aniline," Senku explained with an inkling of enthusiasm.

"Sounds like you're casting some kind of spell," Suika commented peaking over the lab table, I reached out a hand to her and she took it. I hoisted her up to rest onto my back so that she could see.

"But we need alcohol to make those. That's the key here," Senku said staring at me and Suika, he turned away with a small smile. What is he thinking?

"So if we can get our hands on some booze, we'll have the ultimate cure-all. A powerful sulfa drug," everyone cheered, I smirked and looked down to the ground happily.

"So let's make us some alcohol then!" Chrome jogged out into our small courtyard.

"That's gonna take a little time and energy. Some more manpower would be great," I explained walking past Senku in the doorway picking at his ear again.

"Need booze? Funny you mention it," the short old man Kaseki spoke up.

"Because if you were to be victorious in the Grand Bout tomorrow the villagers will give you more booze than you could ever hope to finish," suddenly everyone's moods had lifted into a grateful one.

"Wait, it's tomorrow? No way!" Chrome said in disbelief. Senku chuckled and glanced at me.

"The timing couldn't be more perfect. Especially since we have this beast on our team." I gawked at him while he pointed his thumb at me, I was standing slightly behind him. Did he just call me a beast?

"You know if I could just-" I cut myself off and made a strangling motion in Senku's direction with my teeth gritted. This made everyone burst into laughter as I pouted miserably.

"Don't pout, it's too cute," Senku said in between laughs, he pinched my cheek and walked away, still chuckling. I stood there rooted on the spot at his gesture. You know what...two can play at that game.

*time skip*

"Your gonna participate in the Grand Bout, too?" I heard Kohaku near enough screech. I turned and walked in.

"Who?" I asked. Kohaku aggressively shoves her hand in Senku's direction.

"You're kidding?" She shook her head rapidly, I gave her a weird look. Then an ear-splitting laugh pierced through my ears.

"And I was the one who signed him up for the big battle!" I jumped at his high pitched squeal.

"Jesus put a bell on!" I retaliated, making everyone except for Ginro chuckle.

"Yup! Senku is over 14 and unmarried, isn't he?" I backed away while massaging my temple.

"Mmm, plus, there's no rule that says you have to be a villager to participate," Senku added, murmuring slightly.

I watched as those two danced around pathetically, while a drew circles on Kohaku's back comfortingly with a calm demeanour. Well realistically I felt a knot form in my throat and my stomach flipped madly. I didn't even like feeling like this, this time it felt wrong, but I couldn't label the exact emotion that I felt.

"This is kinda weird. Since when have Senku and Ginro been so close?" Suika sighed.

"Well, they're birds of the same devious feather. No offence, Senku, but you're not a capable fighter," Kohaku removed the hand from her temples and I dropped my hand back onto my lap.

"I don't plan on winning the thing. My main goal is to just tire out our opponents," as Senku explained his reasons, my knot loosened and I felt a bit relieved. I hated it though. It shouldn't be that big of a deal.

"And not only that, if we happen to go against each other...We move up without breakin' a sweat! You see?" I scoffed with a half-smile at their devious grins. I also spotted Kinro by the door looking like his soul had left his body.

"Snake," I say between coughs, which lightens Kohaku's mood just a tiny bit.

"You're really gonna rig the Grand Bout? How dishonourable. Even for you. Either way, although the goal is worthy, rules are rules. I won't throw my match," Kinro deadpanned, Ginro's throaty snicker died down.

"I'll still fight fairly and with honour," Kinro crossed his arms.

"Want to ditch these guys?" I point to the grouped up boys. Suika and Kohaku nod as we quietly walked past them.

"Hey! What do you think about this?" Kinro shouted we stopped in our tracks.

"Please, Kohaku. Surely you don't agree with them!" Everyone was silent for a moment, awaiting her answer.

"Eh...honestly?" She began to walk away, I snort in order to hold back a bellowing laugh.

"If this can help my sister survive, then I'm left with no other choice," she said sternly and walked out of the small building.

*The Grand Bout*

Senku and I stood at one end of the bridge waiting to hear the drums sound. I was biting my lip, digging my nails into the palm of my hand anxiously. My face showed no sign of emotion though, I was about to draw blood from squeezing my hand so hard, but it was loosened and replaced by someone's grip.

I looked up so see Senku facing straight forward, not daring to look at me in case his face would heat up.




We started over the bridge calmly as we could, hand in hand. We reached the end and Kinro and Ginro opened the closed wall of their two spears, the villagers looked concerned and scared out of their minds. Poor things.

"This is the first time we've set foot in this village," I hummed in agreement.

"Let's do this," I murmured back. His grip on my hand tightened on mine and I squeezed back.

We were walking around and discussing a few battle plans when both Senku and I heard a weak voice and footsteps. We turned and to my disappointment, Senku dropped my hand.

"I've heard those names all my life," a girl with flowing blonde hair, similar to Kohaku's, with a long blue dress stood at the bottom of the steps to where the priestess was meant to sit.

"Your names are Senku and Kai are they not?" She asked in her sweet voice.

"And you're the village priestess, Ruri. Heh. So nice to finally meet you in person," he said sarcastically.

"Indeed. I have a very important question to ask you both," I didn't bother saying anything, I just nodded.

"Tell me, please. What are your surnames?" We glanced at each other uneasily.

I mean, your family name. The one that's passed-"

"Yeah. I know what you mean," he cut her off.

"Could it be that you're...Ishi-" she fell to the floor in a coughing fit, I winced at the sight of her. I unsteadily walked towards her but was stopped by a hand.

"Stop there! Stay away from the priestess, outsider!" A guard shouted viciously.

"Don't make her walk! Carry her back immediately!" A gruff voice thundered. Once she has been carried back to her post on a stretcher, everybody let out a soft sigh.

"I have about ten billion questions for her as well."

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