The Tiger

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Priya was waiting on Angelwood Drive for Averi, her owner, to come home from school. She looked all over for her owner but could not find her. "What's wrong, why isn't Averi home yet?" Priya thought suspiciously. So she went to go get Averi herself.

Priya found Averi on the side walk of St. Keith middle school. Mumbling to herself, Averi saw a orange and black blur getting closer and closer to her. A split second later she realized that it was Priya sprinting toward her. Priya skidded to a hault then sat down and slowly made a concerning mew.

Averi knew what that ment and told Priya "I know, I know, mom and dad didn't pick me up, I was so worried until you came" Priya gave a soft mew letting Averi on her back.

As Priya was running home Averi was trying to figure out what to say to her parents. When they got home Averi stomped inside and yelled at her parents whom were both on electronics. Mrs. Rikko was on her computer on Blogweb and Mr. Rikko was watching football.

"Why didn't you pick me up from school!" Said Averi with anger flowing through her veins.

Synchronized they replied "we're sorry, we forgot" both still looking at their screens.

"Sure your sorry" Averi said with sarcasam. She stomped up to her room and mimicked her parents under her breath. " we're sorry we forgot..."

A minute later her eight year old sister came out of her room saying "great, your home"

"excuse me!" Averi replied offended.

"You heard me, your home! Me and Savannah were having so much fun, until you came!" Abigail screamed in her face.

Averi knocked the Real U doll out of Abigail's hand saying "you do know that junk is for babies!"

This fighting annoyed Priya so much she decided to grab Savannah with her teeth and pretend to eat her, that caught the fighting sister's attention. Averi laughed in Abigail's face while Abigail was crying on the floor screaming "do you know *sob* how long *sob* it will take me *sob* to clean her *sob* with spit and poop all over her!" Priya heard something or someone stomping up the stairs that led to where they were standing and quickly spat out the doll.

A moment later Mrs. Rikko was yelling at the two girls " what is it with you girls and your fighting!" Abigail replied "well *sniff* Averi doesn't like Savannah *sniff*"

Averi had a good comeback in her mind for this but not Mrs. Rikko's mind "c'mon im thirteen I don't think I should be supporting Abigail and her stupid peice of plastic."
"Actually" Abigail started "its a Real U doll!" Mrs. Rikko got mad and sent both girls to their room Priya followed Averi, as she slammed her door hotly.

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