Chapter 1

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I walked through the halls, towards the ballroom. The huge ballgown I had on me was becoming a problem so I packed it up in my arms till you could see both my whole foot sticking out. I could feel Gemma's gaze on me but decided to brush it off. I know it's one of those "behave" looks and I don't blame her because I can actually picture myself holding the ballgown and walking like there's no care in the world.
Gemma's like an assistant since I was little, always been there for me when my parents were always busy. She's 45 but she looks younger than her age, and I don't think there's anything called "fat", in her dictionary,
     "Stop", Gemma commanded and I obeyed
     "What?", I turned towards her
     "Walk like a Princess",
     " I am walking like a Princess", okay, that was a lie, I didn't look anything like a Princess with that walk,
     She came close to me and loosened the grip I had on my ballgown using her hands, "That's not how a Princess walks", she said, as my gown went back to the way it was,
     "Then, maybe I'm not fit to be a princess",
     "Not that again", she kept on walking leaving me behind, I increased my pace to catch up with her,
     "Maybe that's why I'm not good at all this princessy stuff",
     "I'm not having that chat with you again. Princess or not, you still have to go to the ball with this gown because this is your party",
     I scoffed. My party?, my parents aren't throwing a party just because I'm turning 18 today, they're just using it to find a perfect match for me and their 'heir to the throne', this isn't my party.
     We were at the entrance of the ballroom when I heard...,
     "May I present, Princess Kary",
     "That's you", Gemma whispered,
     "I know", I said and began "walking like a Princess" in this death trap they call gown. I know the first thing I'm gonna eliminate from my closet when I become Queen.
     Everyone had stopped whatever they were doing and had their eyes on me, it was disappointing I couldn't shake them off. I walked straight to dad and mom,
     "You look beautiful", they both said at the same time,
     "Thank you", not to lie, I kinda blushed a little,
     "Ready for your first dance?", dad asked, holding out his hand waiting for me to take it. I did and he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it, then, music filled the air. We started dancing.
     The dance was slow and boring, exactly how I thought it would be, but I accepted this dance because I had questions and I want answers.
     "Dad?", I called,
     "What if I don't find it?", I asked,
     "Find what?",
     "What you and mom have",
     He squeezed my hand a little,"you will", he assured,
     "When?", I continued,"what if I don't find it?. You know the curse says...",
     "Forget the curse", he almost yelled, making some people turn to look at us, "I already told you it won't work. The curse is like 4 generations old",
     "But I haven't felt that spark yet with someone, and I'm 18, Dad", I pointed out,
     "You'll find your special someone, right here, in this ballroom, today", he said, I knew they didn't throw this party for just 18 years old me,
     "What if my special someone isn't here?, what if he's out there?",
     "Now I see where this conversation is going and the answer is a clear 'NO'", the music stopped and dad left me, guess I made him angry.
     The rest of the night, I had to talk to strangers they call Princes, in other words, the rest of the night was boring. When I was free for a little while I looked for mom, I bet she can change dad's mind, but she was busy talking to families of Princes I've met. I still kept an eye on her.
     The reason I'm pushing this is because I've heard stories that there's a whole nation outside this Kingdom that doesn't do princessy stuff, doesn't wear ballgown and doesn't throw parties just so they can find boring Princes to call their 'special someone'. I want to see what it's like outside this Kingdom and the perfect excuse is a search for my special someone. I don't really need a special someone I already know my destiny, fate has decided that I can't find true love, that's my curse, so instead of finding a special someone, I'll find a special place.
     "May I have this dance?", a Prince asked, holding his hand in front of me waiting for my response. He looked cute though, but I've seen more handsome guys than him. I looked in moms direction, she's stopped talking to the Prince's family and was looking at me, smiling all those 'my little girl's growing up' smile.
     "Hold that thought", I tell the Prince and quickly head for mom. I would've ran but this dress isn't made for running,
     "This dress....", I complained
     "Comes with being a Princess", mom says, and I give her a quick hug,
     "What's with the surprise hug?", she asks, wrapping her hands around me,
     "I'm tired of being a Princess, mom", I start,"I'm tired of this Kingdom, tired of all the gowns and the boring parties...", I tightened my grip around her,
     "You wanna leave?, go to the city?",
     I nodded," but dad doesn't want me to",
     "I guess he has his reasons",
     I looked at her though my hands were wrapped loosely around her, "But I want to see what out there's like, please mom, can't you change his mind?", I whined, "please", then pulled the 'puppy eyes' on her,
     "Fine", she gave in, "I'll see if I can change his mind",
     I tightened my grip,"thanks mom",
     "Yeah, yeah... I believe you promised someone a dance?", she pointed at the Prince I left behind,
     "How did you....?",
     She shrugged,"Just guessed",
     I walked over to the Prince, he actually waited for me. I could've left him there to keep waiting but then I'd feel bad.
     I curtsied I'm front of him and held out my hand,
     "May I have this dance?", I asked,


     Finally, the stupid dance is over. Dad was wrong, I didn't find the right person. Speaking of dad, I haven't seen him and mom anywhere. Which means either in a couple of days I'll be off to the city or I'm stuck in this stupid castle forever because if mom can't change his mind, no-one else can.
     It's been a long night, I should start heading for my room. I'll stop by at the kitchen first and get some snacks and sneak it into my room. The cooks might not be there so I might be successful,
     "Ow!", I say when I bumped into something hard. I was thinking too much I bumped into a wall. I massaged my forehead and looked up at the, chest?, it was as hard as a wall. I looked up at who I bumped into,
     "Dad?", I asked, surprised
     He sighed,"Come on", he ordered and I followed behind him,
     We went to the centre of the room and dad called the attention of everyone, every eyes were on us,
     "It turns out that this isn't only a birthday party...", he started,
     "I wouldn't call this a birthday party...", I whispered to myself, everything's gone wrong, dad glared at me, I guess I was louder than I thought,
     "But also a send off party", he continued, I can't believe it, this means,"Two days from now, Princess Kary will be leaving for the city on a quest",
     A quest?, I never said anything about a quest.
     "She's expected to return after 4 months and if she doesn't succeed, she'll marry any of the Princes in this room",he concluded and walked towards me,
     "You better start packing, you'll soon leave", he said, I could tell he's sad, it showed in his voice,
     "A quest?", I asked,
     "You wanted to find true love right?",
     "Yes, but...",
     "I don't want to hear another word of it, you're leaving in two days, we won't be there for you so I don't want to hear another word before I change my mind",
     "Thanks dad", I wrap my arms arms around him in a quick hug,
     He really was sad, I could see it in his eyes,
     "Oh, and Gemma's going with you. She's the only one I trust so... she's going too",
     I curtsied and asked,"May I have this last dance before I leave",
     He took my hand,"Gladly".


My first book, finally. I hope you guys enjoyed it. It took a lot of effort, I'm proud of myself for this. Tell me how you feel about this book in the comments. Don't forget to like.

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