My Protector..(Zayn Malik fan fict )

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My names Amber.Im from Canterbury in England.Ive never had a normal parents died in a car accident when i was 11 so i had to live with my uncle and his wife.Ive lived with them for 7 years now and let me tell you its never been fun.I put on a happy face for everyone around me but really,Im dieing inside.We might seem like a happy family but what you dont know is that my uncle physically abuses me.He"s beat me so hard i couldnt breath before,but its always on my body, hes too clever to show people what he"s doing to me.The only person ive ever told was my Best friend Leanna.He said he would kill me if i ever told anyone but luckily i have a friend who can keep a secret.Lucky for me i turned 18 today so this life me is over and its time for a fresh start. adiós Bitches.Me and Leanna are goin getting a place together in London.

"AMBER!!! breakfast is ready!" I hear my aunt Julie call from the kitchen.

"COMING" I replied

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where i saw him,sitting there reading a newspaper with a cup of coffee.He looks up and gives me that pedo smile of his which makes me shiver.His eyes glare at me with eyes that would pierce straight through your heart.

"Hi uncle hows your day going so far" i say with a grin on my face

"just dandy" he says with a look of disgust.

I can tell ive pissed him off now. OH YES!!! Amber 1 - Douche 0

"Have you got all your stuff packed hun" says my aunt julie

"ya everythings done" i say.

"im gonna miss you so much"she said as tears fill her eyes

"Im gonna miss you too Jules" i say as i walk to her a hug her tightly.

Charlie [Uncle] just sits there with a smug look on his face.... DOUCHE BAG


I run and open the front door to see Leanna pulled in the drive way with a big smile on her face.

"you ready?" she says and the excitement just jumps out of her

"ya come help me get my shizz" i say

we got everything packed in the car and I said my final goodbyes to Julie.I walked to the kitchen where he was still sitting and bent down a little just so i could whisper in his ear.

"you made my life a living nightmare for 7 years and you know what i hope you rot in hell" i spat at him.

I walked out not even looking back with all my troubles  gone and not a care in the world.I buckled myself in and Leanna started up the Engine.With that....I was out of there forever.

It took 2 hours to get to London and once we were in the town traffic was hectic.

"BEEP BEEP MOTHER FUCKER WHAT ARE YOU STOPPED!!!!!!" Leanna yelled out the window

I couldnt help at laugh at her.This girl is Insane.

"ARE YOU BLIND THE LIGHT IS RED!" yelled the man in front clearly not impressed.


we got to our flat at 3pm.It was pretty big if i do say so myself.I put in my headphones and turned on a random song.ONE DIRECTION HELL YEAH!!!!!! we started taking boxes out of the car and i started to sing along with the song but what i didnt realise was i was singing out loud.

People say we shouldn’t be together

We're too young to know about forever

But I say they don’t know what they talk talk talkin’ about

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2012 ⏰

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