Chapter 5

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'Betsy wake up' Said Mikey pushing my arm. I had fell asleep on the way to an interview on Lorraine. After all I was out all night last and the night before. Plus I had a massive hangover. 'Come on,were here' I jumped out of the car and took some selfies with a few fans that were standing outside of the building.

We went into a dressing room with 'Only The Young' on the front of the door. We had 45 minutes until we went on so we had about 40 minutes to get ready, do make up and hair and mess around and take selfies.'10 minutes guys' Shouted of the producers. 'Is this live?' I asked Mikey 'Yeah it is'

We went and sat on the sofa during the break. I kept hitting Charlie because he was annoying me until we were live. The interview was alright they just asked the same questions that everyone else was asking. Stuff about our album.

'Betsy whats going on we you and Chris Leonard?' Asked Lorraine. She put a photo of me and him on the small TV. It was a photo of us kissing on the night out and us holding hands at the premiere. But before I opened my mouth she said 'Are you two going out because there is also a photo of Chris and another girl' She put on the photo of him kissing another girl at the club. It was the girl I saw him with outside the toilets. My heart sank, Parisa put her arm around me. 'Not anymore' I said and walked off crying.

I stormed into the dressing room crying my eyes out when Parisa, Charlie and Mikey walked in. 'Im going to kill him' Shouted Charlie as he ran out of the building back to the house and Mikey ran after him. Parisa came over to me and hugged me and rubbed my back telling me that everything was going to be okay. I put my head on to her shoulder and sobbed. 'Why would he do this' I cried 'I don't know babe' She said hugging me.

Me and Parisa walked out to go in to the taxi to take us home. There was loads of paparazzi taking photos of us. Everyone kept asking whats wrong. 'Parisa whats wrong' Shouted a fan 'I saw Charlie run outside and Mikey chasing after him. He looked angry. Whast wrong with Betsy' She asked. 'Every things fine' Said Parisa. She climbed into the back of the taxi and sat next to me and put her arm around me.

I didn't want to see Chris. I wouldn't know what to say. I just wanted to sleep for the rest of the day and pretend it was all a dream. But sadly I couldn't. I had to speak to him. But what do I say. What if I go in and start shouting at him and he tells me that they weren't kissing. Or if it was is cousin or something.

We returned to the house. The door was wide open and me and Parisa ran in. Everyone one was in the passage way. They all stopped what they were doing when we walked in. Jake was holding Charlie by the collar of his t-shirt, Mikey and Casey was trying to get Jake of off Charlie, James was shouting at Charlie, Reece was on the phone and Barclay and Charlie J were down on there knees. I didn't know why until I looked down and saw Chris lying on the floor with blood all over his face and he was knocked out.

Before I could speak an ambulance same and the paramedics came running in. 'Betsy go with him' Said Reece 'No' I whispered in shock. 'Reece you go with him' Said Mikey. 'But shes his girlfriend' Said Reece 'Ill go later, I just need to think this threw' 'Think what threw?' Asked Reece 'Its complicated' I said and ran half way up the stairs and watched the paramedics carry Chris out and the other boys outside with him. Mikey was still trying to calm Charlie down and Parisa came up stairs with me. I sat down on my bed and Parisa sat beside me. 'You okay?' She asked. I shook my head and said 'Im going to go to bed for a bit and try and get my head round everything' I lay down and Parisa went down stairs.

I couldn't sleep. I was scared. My boyfriend had just cheated on me and it was announced on live TV, but I was also worried about him. I was trying to think what I was going to say to him and whats going to happen to Only The Young and Stereo Kicks if we break up.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone went off. It was Barclay 'Betsy, Chris is awake. He wants to speak to you' I got out of bed and got ready. And by get ready I meant redo my make up as it was all running down my face.

I went to the hospital by myself. I walked in to the room and Chris was lying the bed. 'I got stitches' He laughed. I didn't laugh back though. 'Hey guys can I talk to Chris in private please' I asked and the 7 boys left the room. 'Whats up babe?' Smiled Chris 'What do you think?' I snapped back at him. 'I don't really know, I can't really remember anything' He said. I got my phone out and showed him the photo of him and the girl out. 'Babe I'm sorry' He said 'If you're sorry then why did you do it?' He was about to say when my phone went off. 'Mikey whats up?' I said speaking down the phone. 'What?' I shouted 'Whats wrong?' Said Chris sitting up.'Whats it got to do with you? You obviously don't care about me' I shouted and ran out of the room.

It didn't take a while to get to the police station. 'Wheres Charlie?' I asked 'He's getting interviewed now' Replied Mikey.'How was it with Chris?' 'Thats not important right now' I said and sat next to Parisa who was sitting on the chair shaking and her head in her hands. A police man later came out and Charlie stood behind him. We all ran up to him and hugged him. 'There not charging' He said 'Thank god' Said Parisa still hugging him.

We later arrived home. We all went into the living room were all the Stereo Kicks boys were sitting 'Oi I'm still not finished with you' Shouted Charlie walking towards Chris. Me, Parisa and Mikey grabbed him. Mikey and Parisa took him up stairs. 'Why does Charlie keep going for Chris?' Asked Tom 'Nothing mate' Said Chris. 'Were have you been babe' 'Ive been to the police station to see if Charlie was going to get charged or not' I shouted. 'Well he hit me over the head and knocked me out I had to tell the police the truth, I hadn't done anything' Shouted Chris 'Yes you have' I screamed with tears rolling down my cheeks. 'Betsy what has he ever done to you? He loves you' Said Casey calmly 'He cheated on me' I said softly The boys all looked at him and started walking out of the room one by one. I walked out and stopped at the door and looked at him. He stared at me crying, but I went upstairs anyway.


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