Chapter Two

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Thank you OhSnapItsMelissa for the pretty banner!(:

The car drive was rather awkward than comforting.
She tried to make a little talk. I would dodge it away. I would be able to not talk for months. I don't see the need of it.

So yea, it was pretty awkward. We sat there, she talking, me ignoring. Basically how the whole twenty-minute car drive went.

'Till the car pulled up on a huge drive way, a beautiful detailed white fence infront of it, that slowly opened after Dr. Dallas pressed on the remote button in the car.
She parked the car and told me I could go in already and she would put the car in the garage.

I simply nodded and stepped out, closing the door of her black Audi without a sound. I half-jogged towards the double crème colored door with gold shinny doorknobs. I pushed open the unlocked door- very smart might I say.

The first thing that caught my attention was the open foyer with the crystal sparkly chandelier. The walls were a soft shade of brown, with on the end a staircase that went up in a swirl. There were two wooden doors on the left, and one also wooden door on the right. I opened the first door on the left. And saw I was in the living room, again the crème color was back. There were two crème colored couches infront of a huge fireplace. The walls were a shade of orange matched with one dark brown wall. There were pictures hung up. Of a family of three.

Dr. Dallas, with her husband Mr. Dallas I suppose. Later on there where pictures of the couple smiling bright with a brown haired toddler in the middle. Again more pictures showed up of the three of them, and when you saw the boy age, his smile only faded.

I found it always funny that when you were young you smiled for pictures, and when you aged you didn't even want to be on the picture.

I heard a door shut, with a too loud sound that it couldn't be the sweet Mrs. Dallas I talked with 5 minutes ago.

I didn't bother myself by turning around to face the stranger the door didn't even open, nobody knew I was here.

I had two people left who it would be; or Mr. Dallas or their child. The boy I saw on all these pictures. I walked over to the couch and sat down in one of the crème colored couches. From my vieuw I saw the door I entered this room with, next to it was an open door frame, which led to- by how far I can see, their grey colored kitchen.

I folded my hands together in my lap. Waiting for Dr. Dallas- should really start calling her Gina, to return.
It is a long time ago, I waited for someone. It's weird. But alone, there is missing a feeling.
The feeling you have when you think they forgot about you.
Dr.-- Gina will come back.
Her house after all. Or she got hit by a car on her drive way.

Possibilities. So many possibilities. Let's hope for the best.

I tapped my foot uncontrollably on the parquet floor. Which left a soft echo beam through the room. I already found out these walls are paper thin. I might be sitting in this room but I heard voices in the foyer. I only had to stand up and walk towards the door, and I would hear their whole conversation that was going on.

But that is what we call eavesdropping.

So I decided I shouldn't stand up. I was already 100% sure it wasn't about me. I could hear laughing, maybe two-- three diffrent voices of teenagers.

I looked out of the window with the transparant white curtains over it to see the shape of Gina. Probably talking on the phone by the busy hand movements she made.

Remind me of Italian people talking.

I got pulled away by those thought when I heard the door open to reveal- like I already thought, a teenage boy. Wasn't the boy I saw on these pictures.

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