Chapter 12: Midnight Moon

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"Phle kyu na mile hum, tanha hi kyu jale hum,
Mil k mukammal hue h, ya the tanha bhale hum"

Anurag stopped right outside the house and took in a deep breath, standing with his forehead on the door. He could see the lights were still on, even though it was past 12 at night. The realization ran through him as he fisted his hands, he had lost a good chance at a decent conversation in the evening. Mannat was finally listening to him, not ignoring him and there was something off about her he could not point finger at, but he had acted on impulse and ruined it all. In his heart he knew it wasn't his fault, you tend to protect yourself when no one else does, but he could not let go off the feeling that maybe, things could change between them if he would have stayed back.

Entering inside with his set of keys, Anurag's eyes ran through the drawing room but Mannat wasn't in sight. He tip toed through the living room, and then the kitchen, but found it clean, spotless. Had she not eaten, the thought crossed Anurag's mind and he immediately walked up the stairs to Mannat's room, to check up on her. Not finding her there only increased his heart beats some more.

Where the hell was she?

Had she... Left him for good?

He closed his eyes at the thought but As much as the thought pained him, there was no proof that would confirm his chain of thoughts

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He closed his eyes at the thought but As much as the thought pained him, there was no proof that would confirm his chain of thoughts. Her cupboard was half opened and he could see the messily kept clothes inside. Her phone was lying on the bed, her slippers were tossed aside.

Anurag let out a breath he was holding and staggered back, holding the door of the room to stand straight. Who was he kidding?

Nothing had changed, he knew it never would.

His world was still this one woman he loved with all the broken pieces of his heart. No matter the hurt, the taunts, the fights, the pain- he loved Mannat and loosing her was going to be the death of him. She loved him or she hated him, didn't matter. He loved her, and he loved her to death, he always had.

Taking a really deep breath, Anurag rubbed both his plams over his face and sighed again. Taking small steps, he walked upto the terrace, the same place he had left her in the evening, and he found her back, exactly there.

She was sitting on the swing, looking at the sky, her back facing him. But the way her shoulders were slightly shaking, and she raised her hands again and again to touch her face, he didn't had to think too much to know she was crying. To herself.

Taking deliberately loud steps to alert her, Anurag walked over to her. As expected, Mannat straightened herself and wiped her eyes.

Reaching her, he looked down and to his surprise, Mannat raised her eyes to look at him. Anurag gulped, his eyes getting wide at her action. While her red puffy eyes, and the tear marks all over her cubby cheeks, broke his heart, the fact that her eyes were still misty and the tears continued to roll down scared him.

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