Lost, monsters, and heros.

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The sound of birds wakes me up. A kenck in my neck pains me. "What happened?" Standing up I stretch out my back and look at my surroundings. Tall, thin, dead grass covers the floor. There is a drop off in the distance. The smell of salt and the sound of waves crashing fills the air. Am I by the ocean? How did I get here in the first place? "Hello!" I call out with my hands cupped around my mouth. No reply other than an echo. There is no sign of human life at all. Am I alone? "Hello!" I call out again. Still no answer. I flop down to the ground frustrated.

"Ahh!" I yell letting some stress go. The grass itched my back as it swayed back and forth in the wind. The fiery sun beats down on my head and arms. I soon feel like I was being suffocated by the heat. I swallow to help my dry throat as it pinches me. I need water. If I was to drink the ocean water I would die instantly from all the salt. If there was any thing I got from watching t.v. It is there is most likely water, that won't kill me, near by. As of where was a hole other ballgame. I get off my butt and on my feet ready to ease my thirst.

My legs hurt from walking up hill my shins yelled at me to take a break, but my throat insisted I go on. Tree branches slap my face as I walk and thorns pierce my skin. I am like a dog panting or a fish with out water. Sweat drips from the tips of my fingers. My eyes stung and threatened to start watering. My arms swinging with every step I take.

"Maybe it wasn't the best idea to walk up a mountain in this weather." My voice is dry and cracked. I cough while looking at the ground. I stop coughing with a fiery itch in the back of my throat. Blood stained the ground from my coughing fit. I wipe my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt.

The sleeve of my shirt was black. But I could of sworn I was wearing green this morning. My pants were also black along with my shoes. Then there was a black jacket stitched with purple, tied around my waist with its sleeves. I don't remember ever owning these and how did they get on me. The thought sent shivers up my spine.

I direct my attention to walking up this mountain. The tears forming in my eyes blinded me. Maybe it would be for the best if I took a short break. I sit down on a fallen tree resisting the urge to fall a sleep on the spot. Looking around I notice some thing big and grey. But what was it.

Whipping my eyes I get dirt in them, the tears that were stocking up came flowing out like a waterfall. "Ow..." I groan. "THUD!" Some thing fell behind me, did it have to do with the grey thing? "Crack!" A twig snaps. Flinging my self up I turn around to see what it was.

It has a grey snake like skin, the body of Bigfoot and it's head was drupy. And the eyes of the devil. I clinched my eyes tightly, because maybe if I was lucky enough it would go away. The creature still hung over me drooling. "Go away!" My voice is shaky with the fear of dying. "Go away!" I yell again. The monster roars twice as loud as a lion. surly I was going to die in the hands of this monster.

I stand up to start running, the only thing I can do. I wasn't going to give up so easily. Every time I looked back the monster seemed to be closer than before. So is this what it feels to be part of a horror movie.

Going up the mountain was difficult but going down was harder. I have to watch my stepping or else I will tumble down to my death. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea though, well the death part does sound like a bad idea. But if I was to slide down I would be able to get down faster than running. Right? I jump into the air letting my footing escape me. Leaves from the ground get caught in my hair and shoes. I am going faster, but not my much. Dirt and other things begin to form a cloud. I close my eyes and put my arms in front of my face for protection. Then there was nothing, nothing under me. In one quick motion I grab on to the nearest peace of cliff I could fine. I try to fine footing but the rooks are just crumbling down. My fingers, that are already sweaty, begin to slip. I bring my other hand up to the edge of the cliff.

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