Out of Bounds?

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This is a story I had to write for an English assignment which I decide I may as well post. Short stories aren't my favourite genre, but I hope you enjoy it!

‘Do you know what this is Matt?’ My mum asks, confused, staring at the box I have just handed to her.

 ‘No, I….I just saw it in the letterbox.’

I wonder whether she can hear my voice shaking.

As she is holding the box I replay in my mind the decisions I made which lead me to this point of no return.

Only an hour earlier, I was walking home from school and, as usual lately, my mind was on my younger brother Chris, hoping that he is okay. I stopped when I got to the park and I noticed with excitement that the project was close to being finished, with half-dug trenches scattered around the park.

As I watched the workmen, my eyes landed on the large sign with ‘OUT OF BOUNDS’ written on it in bold, black letters. In smaller letters below it read ‘Dangerous construction. Anyone who crosses this barrier will be fined.’

I was a bit disappointed I couldn’t get any closer, but I still watched through the holes in the chain fence. Suddenly I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. On the other side of the fence, I saw a small, leather bag. Squinting hard, I noticed a thick bundle of hundred dollar notes sticking out of the bag and I gasped.

About a week ago, Chris got really sick and had to be sent to hospital. The doctor explained to us the only way for the problem to be permanently gone was with a simple, but fairly expensive, operation. My parents agreed, but were devastated when they saw they couldn’t afford to pay for the operation.

 Looking at the money, I saw there was easily more than enough for the operation so Chris could get better. It was just a pity it was on the other side of the barrier, a treasure I desperately wanted, but was just out of reach. Sighing I looked down and my eyes widened. There was a gap under the fence just big enough for me to crawl through. I started debating with myself, trying to decide what to do.

Take the money.

No! It’s illegal. It’s not mine and I might get seen.

Which would be worth it if it helped my little brother get better.

It wouldn’t help my family if I got injured.

Just do It!

My decision made, I bent down and crawled under the fence. Once I was through I glanced at the builders to make sure I was unseen to them. When I saw I wasn’t, I slowly tiptoed, trying not to make any noise, over to the bag of money. When I reached the bag, I picked it up and grinned. I looked back at the builders to make sure I hadn’t been spotted, and when I was satisfied I was still undetected I silently walked back to the gap under the fence and crawled out. Once I was confident I was safe I started to run, and didn’t stop until the park was out of my sight.

Walking home, I started to feel worried. Had I actually done the right thing? I had gone in an area that was clearly out of bounds, and had also stolen a lot of money. My frantic mind spun in a different direction and landed on a new worry-my parents.

If I had taken the money so that Chris could get better, how was I supposed to give them the money, without telling them about the sneaking and stealing I had done to obtain it?

By now, I had reached my street, and my stomach was full of butterflies. Finally, just 3 houses away from my own, I came up with a great idea...

Now, as my mum is holding the box, I can’t help wondering whether my ‘great’ idea was actually all that great.

As she started to open the box I feel my stomach churning and my mind is in turmoil. I try to hide my nervousness when her eyes open wide as she sees the bundle of money and starts to read the note. I relax though when I see the smile forming on her face.

‘Read this Matt!’

She passes the note to me and I read what I have written only a few minutes earlier.

I hope this helps your little boy get better J

I pass it back to her.

‘Wow!’ I say enthusiastically.

‘It must be a neighbour, who decided to give us a hand.’ Mum says happily.

As she beams down at the box I can’t help feeling a small amount of guilt. I had snuck, stolen and lied to my mum about the money. Had it really been worth it?

I look over at my mum. She is smiling more than I have seen her smile in a long time.

Yes, I decide.

Yes it had.

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