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"Hey Paris" I yell as I yell was getting off the bus.
"Hey how was riding with Mr hottie like I know Londyn  hated it see was so mad she kept texting me - oh my God- over and over again ." I laughed a little
"It was fun he told about the marks y'all have on your wrist . so your a water god ?" She looked at me and laughed.
" sure " She rolled her eyes Its just a birth mark we all have . What she said kinda made me feel a little relief I was going to tell her about mine but only when the time was right. But then the bell rang.
I got Paris's number before I got off. I went inside and laid my stuff down and then I heard my phone go off . Paris put me in a group chat with Jacob and her .
Paris- hi my two best friends
Jacob- sup par
Me- hey so why am I in this
Paris - so we can get to know each other better
Jacob- hey I going to add Jacks
Me- why
Paris- oh someone has a crush
Me - what no
Jacks - hey what's up
Jacob - I did it anyway * mwahaha*
Jacks- did what
Me - nothing
Paris - Ezra tell us about you
Me- OK I don't know my dad I'm an only child and I have the same birth mark as you guys.
Paris- WHAT!!!!!
*EZRA has left the chat *
Not long after I got off I heard a knock at my door.

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