Chapter 1: The First Encounter

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God I hate walking home, I mean ya Oxfords a beautiful city but I've only been here a few weeks, I thought. I don't even know the area that well. I tried to ignore the fear that comes with walking at night alone, but it was futile. "And of course my favorite part of walking home at night, the creepy dark alley." I said to myself sarcastically.

As I started down the alley I heard a loud thud. My heart raced like never before. Everything seemed to stop except for my panic, that definitely was still present. The loud thud was followed by a mysterious figure stumbling into the end of the alleyway. I stood frozen in fear for what seemed like forever, I decided to clench my backpack tight and stupidly take the brave course. The figure now revealing to be a tall man suddenly fell to the floor.

As I walked down I noticed the man's clothes half torn showing his chiseled physique. Feeling uncertain but wanting to help I raced towards the man and asked "Are you okay?" but there was no response. As I stepped closer to him cautiously, the streetlight at the end of the alley revealed his blood, and lots of it trickling down from his temple. "Oh god uh you're not okay." I stuttered "oh shit uhh there's a hospital about 5 blocks from here, but we gotta hurry!" I said, my voice shaking.

As I used all his strength to awkwardly hold him up the man replied with a grunted "thank you" in pain. I looked up at him under the streetlight getting slightly distracted by his perfectly sculpted face. I could feel the man's thick, sweat-drenched, muscles as they pulsated with every breath softly rubbing against his own. I quickly snapped out of it when I heard a loud groan expel from the man's soft lips.

I trudged on, trying to focus my mind on getting to the hospital and not the fact that I was carrying a sculpture with glasses to a hospital 5 blocks away. As we continued to walk to the hospital, I stole several glances at the dark-haired man and realized there was something familiar about him. It was as if I saw him from somewhere, but before I could let my mind wander we were almost at the hospital doorsteps. I used the last of my energy to keep this man hoisted up a little longer before my weak arms and legs would give out.

While me and the half-conscious man walked through the hospital doors it was as if everything happened so fast. Before I could even say goodbye to him, he was already being wheeled into another room and I was standing there dumbfounded. The nurse had some questions for me, for which of course I answered "I don't know" for most of them since I just acted as a free walking taxi for this unknown guy. After the round of questions the frustrated nurse snapped at me "that's all." she gave me a look as if to say "you can leave the hospital now." As I turned to leave I cursed myself and walked back to sit down in the waiting room.

I tried to focus on the news that was on the small tv, they were going on about some unexplainable attack and how some people might have witnessed a giant green animal. I just rolled my eyes and said to myself, "geez the news exaggerates everything."

My mind drifted back to whoever this handsome John Doe was, he just seems so... familiar. As I sat in the waiting room I looked at my watch and realized it was almost 1 p.m. I should've left but I didn't care. I just wanted to see if he was okay. I started to drift off and with every second my eyes started to get heavier until it was completely dark.

I woke up with my whole body aching from the other night, the wooden hospital chairs didn't really help either. The same nurse that was so grumpy to me hours ago now had a genuine smile on her face. "Mr. Wright" the nurse said cheerfully

"yep" I replied groggily

"Mr. Banner just woke up!" I ran my hands through my curly black hair and replied

"okay" still a little dazed but happy the man was okay. Then in a split second I looked up with the realization painted on my face. My eyes filled with shock and excitement and I yelped "wait, what was his name?!"

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