Chapter 11- Disgrace

978 34 11

Song: MIREI- Take me Away (This song is a gem!!!)


I flinched when he tore my top up. Shit. I didn't notice the deep claw mark on my stomach. Zachariah clenched his fists by his sides. 

"That fucking rogue is dead!" I gulped. "Why did you put yourself in this position? What if you- What if the rogue hurt you more or worse, killed you?" He ranted rummaging through his draws. He was breathing hard. 

I felt it. 

My legs collapsed under me as the agony stabbed me harder in my stomach. I cried out to him and he rushed over to me. He helped me up and sat me down on the couch, everything hurt. "Zachariah... I had to save the boy, Viraj could've died," I groaned holding tightly onto his shoulder, he cleaned my wound, the burning sting intensified when he rubbed antiseptic alcohol on it. I screeched holding onto him tighter, I felt my claws dig into him. 

"STOP..." I can't handle this torture, please stop. 

"Irene, calm down, I have to make sure it doesn't get infected, you don't heal fast with deep wounds," I know asshole! 

He finally wrapped my torso with bandages and I slowly let go of him. His blood was on my nails. "I'm sorry," I gestured at his shoulder. He shrugged it off placing all of the equipment back in his draws and I cleaned my hands in the bathroom that was attached to the office. 

I never would have expected him to clean my wounds and patch me up. That doesn't mean I forgive him for what he did to me though. I left his office and he followed. I was going to visit Viraj, hopefully, he's okay. His mother, Vivian better not piss me off. 

Viraj ran to me hugging my legs. "Thank you, Luna, you saved me," He hugged me tighter and I carried him. 

"It's okay. Next time, don't go into the forest without an adult. I'm happy you're okay," He nodded in my shoulder. 

"Thanks for protecting my brother," I looked at Lemons- Lemmings in surprise. Viraj is his brother, so that means Vivian is his mother. Wow, that explains where he got his personality from, at least his younger brother is nice unlike them. 

"I did what anyone else would have done," I shrugged. I saw Vivian in the corner of my eyes. She slightly bowed to Zachariah and faced me. 

"Thank you," I handed the 5-year-old to her. I didn't expect anything from her. 

"You're welcome," Zachariah cleared his throat and gestured for me to follow him. 

"The rogue is awake," I nodded and followed him to the room she was in. 

Her red hair was now up in a ponytail and she wore decent clothes, the disgusting stench is gone leaving her with her unique one. 

I sat in the chair in front of her, the thick glass separating us. Zachariah also sat down next to me but I shifted away a little bit. 

"Who are you and what are you doing in our territory?" I asked. 

"I apologise for hurting you, I didn't mean to stumble across here and I promise you, I wasn't going to do anything to the little boy... I promise, please let me go or I don't know, I don't know what I'm doing," Her hands shook and she clasped them together looking down submissively. 

"You didn't answer my question," My harsh tone made her eyes widened in horror and she started coughing.

"I'm- I'm sorry! My name is Riley and I'm- I am from the Red Moon Pack," Her lips wobbled as if she was about cry. "I left the Pack, they're horrible, they were about to- Please you don't understand, I had no choice but to escape, they were going to sell me to Blue Moon Pack for more land- I'm sorry-" My shoulders tensed. 

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