happy for you?

9 1 0

The plane finally landed. But we still had a 25 minutes car ride back to our old house. I had so many thoughts racing through my head. I couldn't wait to see my friends. I talked to them on the phone but it wasn't the same as seeing them in person. We barely visited after moving to America. Most of my family lived in Gumi-si, so when we visited that's where we went. I begged my mom to take me to Seoul because out of everyone I missed here I missed him the most. But the decision was always up to my dad he always replied with no. I couldn't be mad at him. My parents were hard working people. They built their business from scratch. They didn't get lucky to take the CEO position from a retiring parent. They wanted something so they did everything they could to get it. Fame didn't run in the family.

To hopefully clear my head I started to draw a heart on the window. I imagined it was Black. That was his favorite color. He loved the way the color went with everything. The way the color could be seen as depressing or sad. However in his mind it resembled the night sky. He has always been so interesting. We would spend almost every night on the top of my rooftop staring at the sky, as if we looked harder we could see the galaxy.

We drove into the garage. We waited until my mom unlocked the door that led to the inside of the house from the garage. We made our way to the front to hang our jackets and unpack our belongings. As we walked towards the front room the lights were immediately turned on as people jumped out almost giving me heart attack. A smile grew across my face. My house was crowded with our family and friends. They began to take our belongings to the appropriate places. I noticed a blonde head boy running towards me. My bestest friend of all time Jimin. We fell back onto the couch laughing like kids. Then we let go to look at each other. I saw the tears on his face. We went back in for another hug as I could feel my own eyes start overflowing with tears. My body sunk more into the couch as more weight was added on top of me. I heard a legendary windshield wipers laugh and knew exactly who that was. Jin. Or as you can say my second mom. I saw Yoongi come over also jumping into the bunch. I'm glad I held my breath. 

We all fixed ourselves on the couch after laughing for a whole 4 minutes. I leaned back into the couch noticing how much they've changed. Yoongi is so much taller now. They've grown so much. I feel like I haven't grown at all.  All of the memories started kicking in making me cry again. I missed these dorks so much more than I guess I knew. Jimin began crying again.

"What are you crying for" I asked jimin while woping the tears off his pink cheeks with my thumbs.

"I was going to ask you the same" he replied as his eyes began to disappear as a huge smile covered his face. All I could think then was him. I began to search the room looking for any sign of him. I didn't miss the concerned look that took came over Jimin's face.

"Where's-" My question was cut off when jimin covered my mouth pulling me up by my hand.

"Let's get out of here" I let him drag me off as Jin and Yoongi ran after. I saw my mom waving me off letting me know it was okay to leave. When we got outside Yoongi lifted Jimin off the ground. They have always been so cute together. Jin locked his arm around my neck.

Jin smiled at me "I really missed you kid"

"I missed you too I can't even believe I'm back now." I said throwing my hands in the air letting the chill wind flow through my fingers.

Yoongi came over and smacked Jin's arm off. He tossed me on his back making me smile. I let my nose sink into his hair. Yoongi never liked voicing his feelings he would rather do the small things that shows you how he feels on the inside. They began walking faster. I could smell the faint aroma of salt and fresh water. I knew then we were going to the beach. The whole way there we all laughed and caught up on the things we missed. The night was warm with a small wind. Everything felt so right. The only thing bothering was no one wanted to answer me as to where he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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