1. The day we locked eyes.

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Hunters P.O.V

I've always been the loner at our school, no one likes to talk to me because i'm deaf, and im also part of the LGBTQ+ community. I'm non-binary and pansexual. My only real friend is Brandon, we've been friends since diapers. We are currently juniors at General East High School. Although i have hearing aids, i still choose not to talk to anyone not even Brandon. He hasn't heard me talk since we were 3 years old after the incident. I'm very insecure about my voice, yet i'm always trying to find a motive to talk. I always get into trouble with my teachers because i don't talk when i am called on. They know i'm deaf, and even if i have hearing aids my hearing isn't the best. I made it clear to the that i need Brandon in all of my classes because without him i'll start having a panic attack the minute someone starts talking to me. Anyways I should probably start paying attention to Ms. Calicon she's the teacher that like giving me the most hard time. 

As soon as I finished that last sentence in my head she already started to call my name "Hunter!" she yelled at me from the front of the classroom, my hearing aids started to ring so i had to adjust them. ' Could you please not yell? you're hurting my ears.' i signed while Brandon translated for me. "Excuse me? You don't tell me when to lower my voice!" She screamed again hurting my ears again. Brandon went to my side and whispered '' Are you alright?'' i nodded and sighed. He went back his seat while Ms. Calicon kept staring at me during the lesson. After a few more minutes of her none stop yelling the bell for lunch finally rang. "Don't forget to pick up your homework at the front of the class room!" She yelled again as i was walking by causing me to hold onto my right ears as i grabbed my homework with my left hand.  " She never stops yelling " i thought, as Brandon snuck up behind me and lightly pushed me "Hey hunter, my best bud!" i jumped a little from the surprise, but greeted him with a smile as i signed ' Ready for lunch Brandon?' "Of course, i'm always ready for a good meal!" He said with the biggest smile he could muster. I only sighed as i watched him stop mid way of walking to stare at something. I stopped walking to see what he was staring at, it was none other than Regina Ludichrist, and her best friend Sofia Valdez. I don't necessarily like her like everyone else does,but Sofia is pretty cool. She's okay not the best though, i just don't like that she always gets loads of attention. We used to be friends at one point along with sofia, we were the inseparable four . Then she took our friendship for granted, so me and Brandon stopped being her friend for something she did, and sofia decided to stick with her. When High School rolled around she became the most popular girl here. All the girls were jealous of her for her looks and popularity, then started to like her romantically as the years rolled by. Hell even Brandon started falling for her last year, although i don't like her i'm not going to stop him form doing what he wants.

I stood in the middle hall waiting for Brandon to finish staring at her. I finally lost patience and signed ' You're drooling again Brandon ' as i started walking. He quickly looked at me and groaned, "Thanks for pointing it out you meanie!" I giggled lightly as i continued down the hall. Brandon slowly followed me, and as i looked back I saw Regina wink at Brandon. I threw up in my mouth as i saw him turn into a blushing mess. I looked at him with a disgusted face as he just sighed and said "Come on hunter, it's been 13 years can't you get over it already?" I looked at him with hurt eyes and signed ' You really want me to forgive someone who was the reason i lost my hearing? Yeah no thanks' i was angry with him, maybe even pissed. i huffed as i started walking at a fast pace to the cafeteria not wanting to listen to what he had to say. " H-Hey Hunter get back here-" was all I heard before going into a sprint to the cafeteria. I went to my table and sat alone not wanting to be bothered, I put my hoodie up and sighed putting my head down. About 40 minutes later the bell rang for 6th period. I love, and hate it at the same time. I love it because it's art, i've always been an art geek per say. It's always just sparked an interest in me. The reason I hate it is because Regina sits next to me. I'm constantly getting bullied because they don't want trash like me sitting next to her. I really wish I didn't have to because i actually like that class.  

  I'm always the first one to class, along with Brandon, but I haven't seen him since I got mad at him I haven't seen him since. As soon as I got into the class Mr. Suzimia greets me "Good afternoon Hunter." I politely smile as I set my head on the desk and slowly drift off. After a few minutes of being asleep I heard people coming in but i didn't care to look up. Little did I know there was something on my face that some people had drew while I was sleeping. I looked up with sleepy eyes to see everyone stare at me while some held in their laughter. I slowly saw Brandon come up to me and take me to the restroom. I look at him with a questioning face, and as we walk out i see almost everyone laugh. When we got to the restroom i looked in the mirror to see my face full of marker it read "Gay ass'' ''Boy" and the worst one ''ugly ass deaf kid.'' I looked at my face in horror as i violently started scrubbing my face. I scrubbed so hard that i left big red marks on my face, it looked like i was attacked by a cat. ""well those are going to leave a scar"" I though to myself as I looked at Brandon to see his horrified face.  All I managed to sign is ' i'm fine ' He cupped my face in his hands and began to cry softly. "You're not!" I looked at him and signed ' Let's just go back, we can talk about this after school. ' He nodded and I wiped his tears. A few minutes later we made it back to class, and i saw something i never though i would see. Regina defending me from all the boys "You boys have no right to do that! You better apologize when they come back!" They all nodded, and as soon as they saw me they all came up to me and mumbled an apologies.   I nodded in response, and when I looked up I saw something I wouldn't expect. It was Regina, and she was in tears looking in my eyes. That was the moment we locked eyes with one another. It felt as though that moment had lasted forever. The world froze in that moment, like it was only the two of us. Then what she did next had me in pure shock.... 

] End of chapter 1.

] Hello, my name is Alexander, but you can call me Alex or Al. I hope you enjoyed this first part of my book. Please consider following me and or showing this book to others, thank you for your time! Also I added the song because I think it matches well with the theme!

 ] Words written: 1334

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