2. When will you forget?

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Hunters P.O.V

  ~ Recap ~

 I nodded in response, and when I looked up I saw something I wouldn't expect. It was Regina, and she was in tears looking in my eyes. That was the moment we locked eyes with one another. It felt as though that moment had lasted forever. The world froze in that moment, like it was only the two of us. Then what she did next had me in pure shock....

~ Current time ~ 

She was hugging me. She hugged me so tight that I couldn't breathe. I felt a huge wave of tears flow over me, and without realizing it I started sobbing into her shoulder, and I could feel her tears on top of my head. Brandon looked amazed, but hugged us as well. If i'm being honest I missed her hugs, I missed everything about her. She was an amazing friend, but I always pushed those thoughts away because of what she did. Let me explain, when we were 3 years old we would always play around hitting each other. One day Regina came up to me and started hitting me really hard with her hand. She did it over and over, but no one stopped her because they thought she was only playing around. I was sobbing a lot, but when she finally stopped I was bleeding a lot, and I couldn't hear. Everyone was calling my name, but I couldn't understand what they were saying. I rushed to my parents and told them I couldn't hear, and they took me to the hospital. After waiting a bit the doctors told my parents that I lost my hearing due to to blunt force trauma to the head near my ear. Ever since then I stopped hanging out with Regina, and Sofia. Brandon slowly started drifting from them to hang out with me more. I had told him countless times that he can leave me for them whenever he liked, but he always said he'd rather be with me then be with them. Returning to this moment right now, we were all a sobbing mess, so we were allowed to step out of class. Once we were all outside, Regina started to talk "I want to start this off by saying sorry to the both of you, especially you hunter." I tried to say something, but then she placed a hand over my mouth. "I should have known better then to just abandon both of you like that. I understand if you guys hate me, but I hope you can find it somewhere in your hearts to forgive Sofia, and I. I promise you guys that we will treat you better, and i'll never do what I did to you again! So what do you say? Dynamic four?" I looked at her in shock, not really knowing what to say. After a few minutes of silence Brandon was the first to speak up "Regina, of course i'll forgive you. I'm also sorry for just walking out on you and Sofia like that. It was very rude of me, and i'll gladly come back to the dynamic four." He gave his award winning smile, and hugged her. They both looked at me, and after a bit of hesitation I nodded yes, while smiling. I hugged her, and she hugged back. It felt nice to have the dynamic four back together. Regina cupped my face and looked at my scratches "I'll never forgive whoever did this to you, You deserve so much better..." I blushed at the sudden contact, and just smiled awkwardly. We all went back into class with smiles, although all the boys were giving me death stares, Regina was quick to make them stop "If you have a problem with them you will be answering to me. So I suggest you quit it with your nasty stares." All the boys were quick to look away in fear. I just lightly giggled as I sat in my seat. 

~ Time skip to after school. ~

As I was walking out of school I noticed Regina and Sofia so I stopped and waved to them. They noticed me and came over, both having very big grins on their faces. Sofia ran up to me and hugged me putting her legs around my wait. I grabbed her back, and smiled. "I MISSED YOU HUN!" I cringed a little from the ringing of my hearing aids, and adjust them. I nod and pat her head, that was the thing we would always do as kids. Whenever we would see each other we'd pat one another on the had. As we got older though, we slowly drifted from being friends. That doesn't matter anymore though because we are all friends again! We all waited for Brandon to exit the school, when we saw him we were all shocked. He walked out of the school with a few girls surrounding him. We all looked at him, and smirked, we were surprised to see him frantically shaking, and looking around nervously for us. When he spotted us he looked at us practically useing his eyes to beg us to get them away from him. We all went up to him, and Regina and Sofia started talking to the other girls. While they were talking I sneakily dragged Brandon away from the thirsty girls. 'You okay Brandon? You looked really uncomfortable.' I signed. He looked at me panting for air, it seemed like he couldn't breathe, frantically panting in and out. I held him close to me as he kept breathing in and out, and then I finally understood what was happening. He was having a panic attack, I held him very close to me hoping it would calm him down. Slowly over time he started to breathe regularly, and he buried his face into my neck. We stayed there for a minutes before we heard a snap of a camera, when we both turned to see what happened we saw Regina and Sofia taking a picture of Brandon and I holding onto each other. I immediately turned beat red, and tried letting go of him, but he just held onto me tighter. My face was getting hotter by the second, but why was he acting like this? I need to find out why. I looked at him, and tapped his back signaling for him to let go. He let go slowly, and I looked up to the other girls and started signing while Brandon translated. ' you guys go on without us, I need to talk to Brandon today. ' He gulped loudly as the others waved and said their goodbyes. I smiled, and signed ' Let's go to your house, no ones home anyways right? ' He nodded as we started walking to his house. 

[ End  of chapter 2, I hope you enjoyed and i'll see you in the next one! Peace out

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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