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MATTHEW MURDOCK DIDN'T know what to think of the people who just walked through his firm's door. He felt like one person was so familiar to him, but he couldn't put his finger on it. It was frustrating to the man, like an itch he couldn't scratch.

Nicholas and Mrs Cardenas knocked at the door of the small law firm, walking in. Nicholas felt out of place, wearing his nurse scrubs while everyone else seemed to be dressed very professionally.

"Excuse. Is this, um Señor Foggy law? Bess Mahoney." Mrs Cardenas asked, pulling Nick further into the room. Nicholas started analysing the people in the room. There was a man with round, tinted red glasses on. He was obviously blind so Nicholas didn't mind staring at him for a little while, admiring his features. There was also a blonde woman, the paralegal, who was standing there like she also was out of place. And finally there was who Mrs Cardenas was speaking to, Foggy. He had blonde hair that just reached his shoulders and a kind energy to him. Immediately Nicholas felt like he could trust this man.

"Brett's mom?" The man in the red glasses asked, leaning his chin on his hands that were resting on top of his cane. Nicholas couldn't help but find that adorable.

"Sí, she referred us." Nicholas spoke up for the first time. Matt felt his heartbeat spike for a second upon hearing him speak. His voice was deep, with a slight accent that Matt couldn't place. It felt like a mix between English and Australian but he wasn't sure.

"Uh, Matthew. Murdock." Matt cursed himself in his head for being so awkward. He stuck his hand out in front of him.

"Nicholas Garcia, and this is Elena Cardenas. Nice to meet you." Nick shook Matthew's hand before turning to the others to shake theirs.

"Karen Page. Pleasure."

"Foggy Nelson. How can we help you?" Foggy motioned for them to walk into the other room, instead of waiting in the reception. As they sat down, Elena muttered something in Spanish that Nick didn't manage to catch.

"Something about cigars?" Karen said to her colleagues. Nicholas let out a small chuckle at the women.

"You know Spanish?" Foggy asked Karen, surprised.

"Oh, just what I remember from high school." Nicholas felt a little useless, even though he came here to make sure they weren't evicted from their home, he felt like he was supposed to be the translator.

"Mrs. Cardenas, tell us what happened." The lawyers turned back to the two clients.

"Mi casa es rent-control.But the landlord, Señor Tully," Elena was cut off by Matt.

"Armand Tully?" He asked, realising who they were up against.

"Sleaze bag owns buildings all over town." Foggy told Karen, nose scrunching up at the thought of the man.

"Sí, y señor Tully," Elena continues speaking in Spanish, Nicholas nodding along. He waiting for Karen to start translating but she jut smiled at Nick and nodded for him to speak instead.

"He wants to convert the apartments to condominiums. And he wants us out." Nick translated, his voice a little breathless. Elena continued speaking.

"Men came weeks ago. They said that they were workers. And they destroyed the apartments with a," Nicholas trailed off, not understand what she just said. "I don't know that last word." He sounded a little disappointed in himself. His mother was native to Spain and he never should be unsure about the language.

"Sledgehammers." Matt cut in, his voice soft as he smiled slightly at Nick not wanting him to beat himself up. Both Karen and Nicholas looked to Matt in surprise. Foggy just smirked.

PRAYING • MATT MURDOCKWhere stories live. Discover now