Story #1 (From Writing Contest)

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A small town called Hitchville was anything but normal. It was a town where anything was possible and secrets fueled everyday lives, but it was all going to change. A girl named Julia Coles knew that her town wasn't normal but she ignored it hoping that she was wrong. She tried to be an average seventeen year old girl but it was difficult when your best friend was the son of the richest man in town. Dylan Smith came from one of the richest families in town, not that he cared, his father owned the only mall in town. It would make him popular if everyone didn't find him odd, with every reason too, his hair was naturally green, his eyes were silver and his ears had a slight point. Julia wouldn't have him any other way.

Julia woke up to the sun shining through her bedroom window into her eyes, she yawned before she got dressed and walked downstairs. Her mom was helping her little brother get ready for school, it was proving to be difficult, leaving Julia on her own for breakfast. Her dad had already left for work, he was a mechanic, he always left early to open the shop. Julia's parents both usually worked long hours which often left Julia to babysit her nine year old brother, Matt, who was very energetic.

"Honey, I'm closing tonight and your father is going to help your Uncle Sam with a few things so you're gonna have to watch your brother for a little while longer tonight." Her mom stated as she grabbed her jacket off the hook causing Julia to nod as it was normal for them to stay out a little later.

"Okay, is it okay if Dylan comes over?" Julia asked although she knew her mom would say yes, her mom nods before quickly shooing her brother out the door. Julia waits a few moments before she steps out of the house to see Dylan sitting in his blue Jeep about to honk his horn.

"Finally! I thought I was going to die of boredom." He exclaimed as she climbed into the passenger seat causing her to playfully roll her eyes, she was use to him being dramatic it was a part of his charm. She closed the door and turned the radio on.

"Hello to you too." She said laughing slightly, she searched through stations trying to find what she wanted. Dylan laughed and drove out of the drive way towards the school, Julia finally settled on a station as she tapped her fingers to the beat. As they drove to school they sang every song on the radio loud and terribly, they laughed at how ridiculous they were but as they were close to the school something terrible happened.

The screech of the tires were heard before they were slammed into another car causing the car to slam into the guard rail, Julia's whole body ached but she forced herself to look at Dylan. His eyes were closed and a silver liquid dripped from his nose and the cuts from the glass, she gasped not understanding his blood was silver. He moaned in pain as he weakly lifted his head, he looked over at Julia to try to explain but the pain was almost unbearable.The other car had slammed into his side making it hard for him to move, the other car backed away enough to open the door of the Jeep. The other driver stepped out as well as the passenger, they both wore black suits and had blank expressions, they had very little to no injury. They ripped the door off the Jeep and pulled Dylan out of the car before they started to drag him towards their car, Julia shouted and pleaded for them to stop but they ignored her like she wasn't there. 

Dylan was shoved into the back of the car and they drove away leaving Julia to fend for herself, she slowly managed to crawl out the driver side as she held her side in pain. She sat on the ground leaning against the wrecked vehicle panting as she grunted in pain. She reached into the pocket of her jacket slowly pulling out her phone, the screen was cracked but it worked all the same, she dialed 911 and as they answered she tried her best to answer although it all came out slurred. She faded in and out of conscious, one moment she was on the ground and the next she was in the ambulance. She couldn't hold on anymore and she left herself close her eyes, she was resting her eyes, when she opened them again she saw that she was in the hospital. She could hear the beeping of the machines around her giving her a head ache, she sat up as a nurse walked in to check her vitals.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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