Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything or anyone from bleach the only thing I own is the idea of Tsubaki, Kaiyo and Kuro

My brother and I had always been different then everyone else around us because we could see things that others couldn't. Ghost or spirits or whatever you want to call them, since birth we had seen such things but that wasn't all. Ever since we were young me and Ichigo realised that we always had two men follow us and not in the creepy stalker, going to kidnap us type of follow but protected us from the monsters that we saw. When they realised that we could see them they introduced themselves. The man with black hair, pale skin, black clothes and sunglasses that followed Ichigo was known as Zangetsu and the man that followed me who had short ruffled blue hair, tanned skin, wore a button up shirt that was always undone and a pair of jeans was Kaiyo and they told us they were our zanpakuto. That then led to the discussion about soul reapers, spirits and hollows but they told us that only soul reapers have zanpakuto which brought up the problem with us. We weren't soul reapers and that was why Zangetsu and Kaiyo insisted on staying out of our mindscape incase a hollow attacked us. They were partly invisible because while our powers were there, they had yet to awaken so they were patiently waiting though they didn't know that we would be able to see them.

"Hey Chi-nii-chan wait up" I pouted as I ran after Ichigo who sighed a little with a fond look in his eyes as I raced up to him. We were twins so we had always been together, Ichigo had bright orange hair he got from our mother and brown eyes he had gotten from Dad, on the other hand I had black hair from Dad and icy blue eyes that I wasn't sure where I got them.
"Don't get left behind Baki-otouto" teased Ichigo, making me grin and punch his shoulder as we walked away from dealing with some jerks that knocked over a vase of flowers that were put there for a dead girl.
"We're back" called Ichigo before having to dodge a flying kick from Dad which made me grab his foot and swing him back around from where he came from.
"Geez you never let your guard down Tsubaki, remember to keep your guard up when you enter a room and you're late for dinner again" said Isshin, our father.
"Come on, is that any way to treat your sons after they risked their lives to help a spirit find peace" snapped Ichigo glaring at Isshin.
"Silence, oh so it's the ghost's fault now is it? I suppose it was ghosts that left your room a mess when are you going to show some discipline just because you see ghosts and I don't" snapped Isshin as they started to fight each other. Karin and Yuzu, our younger sisters that were both twins as well sat at the dinner table eating dinner. Yuzu had brown hair and brown eyes while Karin had black hair and brown hair.
"What kind of a curfew is it for a highschool student to still have to be home at seven" yelled Ichigo as he sent Isshin flying.
"Ichigo, we got followed" I sighed seeing the ghost over Ichigo's shoulder.
"What? When did you get here? Go away" said Ichigo, trying to fight the spirit off.
"Poor Ichigo, Dad or ghosts it's always something" said Karin.
"I think he and Tsubaki are kind of lucky to be able to see ghosts, I sort of sense their presence sometimes but that's about it" smiled Yuzu.
"I don't see what the big deal is with ghosts, I don't even believe in them" said Karin and I sighed before deciding to head upstairs.

It was always the same in our house really, Yuzu sometimes wished that she could see spirits and Karin wished she couldn't see spirits while me and Ichigo we don't get a choice in the matter.
'You do know that your sisters don't mean to be insensitive' said Kaiyo in his deep rumbling voice and I nodded.
"I know that and I love my sisters but lately there have been more spirits then normal and hollows are getting around more" I said and I heard Ichigo and Isshin finish their fight and came upstairs.
"Hey Tsubaki you okay?" asked Ichigo as he laid on his bed, we shared a room and always had, Isshin offered to convert the spare room into another bedroom when we were around thirteen but we declined.
"Yeah just tired, for some reason more hollows have been around and their screaming roars keep me up all night" I yawned and Ichigo nodded.
'Sorry we can't do more' said Zangetsu and I shook my head.
"It's fine you're already driving off the hollows that come near us as it is" I smiled.
"It wouldn't be fair to ask you to do anymore plus didn't you say that soul reapers were always around to get rid of them" said Ichigo as we got ready for bed.
'That they are, but if they continue to be a nuisance to my master I will dispose of them' said Kaiyo.
'And I would assist' agreed Zangetsu. Finally ready for bed we turned in for the night and I knew that somehow tomorrow was going to be a long day.

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