Chapter 32

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A/N: hey guys just a small note  this part has a mature scene if you don't wish to read it or are underage there are warnings both before and after if you wish to skip it.

"I said straighten you back, if not I'll lay you out on it" barked Kensei as he hit my back with the back of his sword making me yelp and straighten my back. When the visords offered to teach us the basics I didn't realise what we were in for. It was our second day being with the visords so they decided it was their turn to train us which in turn led to me sparring against Lisa while Kensei belted out instructions or smacked me to fix my stance.
"Geez, they are slave drivers" grunted Ichigo as he dodged an attack from Hiyori and blocked another from Shinji.
"I know what you mean" I said before I dodged Lisa's attack bringing my foot up to connect with her stomach only for Kensei to smack the back of my head.
"You have a sword, use that instead of your foot" he scowled.
"Kami I can't take this anymore" I yelled with a huff as I took off using flash step to get to the top of a large rock and sat there pouting.
"Tsubaki get down here now, we aren't finished yet" yelled Kensei but I just turned and stuck my tongue out before turning around again.
"You aren't getting him down from there any time soon, you push a little too far too soon" chuckled Ichigo making them turn to him.
"Baki-nii-chan is a rather physical fighter much like yourself Kensei he uses his blade as defence while using his arms and legs as offense. I get that you are trying to teach him how to wield Kaiyo properly but you have to take it in small steps, like have an hour lesson on sword play then a thirty minute break with hand to hand combat" Ichigo suggested looking at my hunched back.
"Stupid Kensei, stupid visords, stupid onii-chan" I pouted playing with the dirt on top of the rock.
'Now, now is this anyway for someone to act when you do need to learn the basics' said Kaiyo and I glared at him.
"Your just taking their side so go away" I said looking away from him.
'I have to agree with Tsubaki on this for once, you guys are trying to change the way that he fights and in turn trying to change him. If you don't want to spar with them, spar with me, I am determined to get the throne this time' smirked Kuro as he appeared.
"What's in it for you?" I asked with my eyes narrowed, I didn't want to put up with my hollow's tricks right now.
'Nothing really other than you calming down, the water in your mindscape is getting out of control and I don't know how many times we have nearly been drowned' he bluntly replied.
"I don't believe that for a moment" I shot back.
'Fine if you really must know, me and Shiro have a bet going on about who can beat their other half first' Kuro sneered.
"Well in that case you're on" I grinned as I stood up adding some spirit energy to the hollow spirit to make him become visible before I shot towards him leaving Kaiyo sheathed and sitting on the rock. Kuro grinned leaving his own version of Kaiyo behind and we began our hand to hand spar. I ignored my surroundings, not even caring as I dodged around where the others had stopped for lunch with a blood thirsty grin on my face.
"At least he seems to be enjoying his time" snorted Hiyori as she took a bite of her sandwich.
"If you ask me I find it quite delightful for him to be happy" smiled Rose as they watched me head butt Kuro making the hollow curse before swooping my legs out from underneath me.
"He just gives off the vibe that he should always be smiling" said Love with a nod.
"Perhaps you should spar against him next Kensei, it will help you understand how he fights and how he should be trained" giggled Mashiro.
"Get off" scowled Kensei shrugging Mashiro off as she tried to lay herself over his shoulders.
"He is a good fighter but something tells me that he is literally only doing this as a fun fight, he is leaving a lot of holes in his defense" said Shinji studying me and trying to figure out what I was thinking.
"That is how Baki is unless he is actually trying to kill you. I would suggest that you ask Izuru, Shuhei or Toshiro but you can't really do that" shrugged Ichigo as he finished his lunch and got up stretching.
"Why them?" Hachi asked curiously.
"They are the ones that he fought when we invaded the Seireitei and afterwards once he beat them he actually gave them tips on what they were doing. If you want Tsubaki to take you seriously and to listen to your teachings, prove to him that you can take him" said Ichigo.
"What do you mean prove you can take him?" Lisa asked.
"As much as it pains me but the only way he will listen to is Kensei if Kensei throws him down and dominates him" said Ichigo.
"What? Why only Kensei?" Hiyori snapped with a glare towards me. She more than likely thought that I was looking down on her and to an extent, she was correct.
"Look he doesn't see people the way that others do, he can see your spiritual pressures and each of them is different, within this group of people me included the only person he sees as a threat or as a dominate is Kensei. It's why he is acting like a spoilt brat" Ichigo said, yelling out the last bit for me to hear.
"Shut up idiot" I barked back with a glare but he wasn't even offended.
'Now that you are calmed down, I'm leaving' said Kuro before he disappeared with a smirk making me growl.
"So he basically wants me to treat him like a brat and shove him back into his place" growled Kensei.
"Yeah except he really isn't thinking like a child if you get what I mean" sighed Ichigo, probably cursing me while Shiro cackled from beside him.
'Loosen up King, if ya don't you're gonna send that blue haired kitty running for the hills when ya see him again' snickered Shiro making Ichigo instantly attack him.
"Guess that it's back to the lessons now that my fun is over" I groaned and I stretched before heading over to the others. This time I was versing Love while Shinji gave me tips but again they were favouring me using Kaiyo instead of my hands and feet. That night I didn't even bother to look at them, not even Ichigo as I scowled and headed for the shower before heading to the roof.
"Hey Kaiyo" I called and my spirit came out to talk.
'You want to know if you are doing the right thing don't you?' Kaiyo asked and I nodded my head.
"Shinigami tend to favour using their zanpakato or Kidou but if they are disarmed and haven't got enough spirit energy left, like Rukia was, they will die" I said looking at the stars.
'You need to stop taking everyone onto your shoulders alone though I am sure that Ichigo already knows what you are doing. I also think that Shinji has realised hence why he took over your training' said Kaiyo and I could tell he was holding something back.
"You can tell me what is on your mind Kaiyo, your my zanpakato and part of me so if you want to say something then I don't mind" I said and he nodded.
'You are trying to get them to use hand to hand combat so that they have a better chance of survival and yet you only use my blade as defense in most situations. I am a zanpakato and I am meant to be wielded as a weapon' said Kaiyo and I thought about it before smacking myself on the head.
"I didn't even realise" I said and Kaiyo burst into laughter.
'Of course you didn't after all you're too busy trying to keep everyone around yourself safe hence why me and Kuro are here. You need someone to look out for you' he chuckled and I smiled.
"There you are, come with me" said Kensei as he grabbed my arm and pulled me up. Normally I would have fought to get my arm back but I could tell by the way his hands were sweating slightly that this was something that was important to him.
"Right, I want you to fight me, one on one at full power and no holding back" Kensei said, looking at me with determination rolling off him.
"Mmm.....I will fight you like I fight an enemy but I am still going to hold back and I know you will as well" I said, making him frown and open his mouth.
"No bankai's" I said, his mouth clicking shut.
"Very well, no bankai's but other than that no holding back" said Kensei and I nodded.
"Other than that, no holding back" I promised. Kensei nodded before flicking his zanpakato that was in the form of a combat knife, into his hand and dove at me for an attack. I jumped back to avoid the blade before dropping down and trying to take his legs out from underneath him. In return he jumped and aimed for me while I was on the floor but I dodged once more this time wrapping my leg around his neck and pulling myself off. This didn't last long as he once again aimed his zanpakato for me so I let go of him and jumped over him kicking him in the back. Only my kick didn't hit as he grabbed my leg but I just grinned and swung Kaiyo's sheath making him let go and duck to avoid being hit.
"Is that the best that you can do?" I taunted, making him glare before he swung his blade and I dodged only for him to grab me with his other hand and brought his knee up to my chest making me cough a little but I grinned. He was actually getting serious not so I guessed I would as well after all he already had his zanpakato in shikai form so it was only fair for me to return the favour.
"Raise the tides, Kaiyo" I called and my katana turned into two chakram's connected by a chain.
"Now then let's get to this" I grinned throwing my chakram. Once I released my shikai it was like the play fight was over as both me and Kensei threw ourselves at each other trying to strike fatal blows on each other. We didn't care about suppressing our strength as we left bruises and cuts all over each other. Both of us even pulled out our hollow masks though mine was more stable and I didn't have a time limit. I was actually a little surprised when Kensei managed to pin me down with his hand around my throat until I realised he was tapping even deeper into his hollow side. He was letting all of his instincts take over and fight for him and I couldn't help but get a little breathless from it. Kensei was handsome before but seeing him like this, running on pure instinct was sexy as hell. He watched me as I lent up a little making him tighten his hand around my throat until I kissed him making him let go completely.
"Don't tell me that I just kissed you and you're straight" I groaned as I pulled back after getting no response.
"I don't care about genders, the only thing I care about is if you can take me or not" snarled Kensei before smashing our lips together making me groan at how rough he was. 

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